The MoSA Update Cash Social Assistance Distribution Progress After Eid

  • The MoSA Update Cash Social Assistance Distribution Progress After Eid
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Writer :
Editor :
Intan Qonita N
Translator :
Laili Hariroh

JAKARTA (May 28, 2020) - The Ministry of Social Affairs updated the social assistance distribution progress after Eid. Cash Social Assistance (BST) covers 9 million Beneficiary Families (KPM) outside those in Jabodetabek who receive the basic food assistance (Thursday, 28/5).

The Secretary-General of the Ministry of Social Affairs, Hartono Laras, stated that data on the proposal for receiving BST before Eid was around 8.3 million KPM. He also added that the President instructed the Minister of Social Affairs to distribute BST before Eid.

"However, not all regions updated the data on the proposal for receiving BST. Meanwhile, those regions had been given a ceiling for KPM. Some are still improving their data, some are postponing the distribution and some are living in the frontier, outermost and remote (3T) regions, "explained the Secretary-General of the Ministry of Social Affairs.

Based on these conditions, the distribution of BST before Eid has reached 95%. Furthermore, the Secretary-General of the Ministry of Social Affairs also added that the beneficiaries data were received from the regional government.

If regencies/cities do not submit the data on the proposal for receiving BST based on the allocated ceiling, the ceiling then distributed to another regency/city. "This is our effort to speed up and shorten the procedures and mechanisms for the acceleration of social assistance," explained the Secretary-General of the Ministry of Social Affairs.

Furthermore, the Director-General of Poverty Handling, Asep Sasa Purnama, added that state-owned banks (Himbara) have distributed BST for 753,998 KPM which have spread throughout Indonesia except for Jabodetabek. Meanwhile, the remaining 8.3 million will be distributed through PT Pos Indonesia.

“It is planned that the distribution of BST this week is to meet the target of 8.3 million. For the last few days, we continue to receive data updates from regions, so that the data we have from the Ministry of Social Welfare Data and Information Center (Pusdatin) is around 8.7 million. "There are several things that will be refined later and the target of 9 million will be met in June," explained the Director-General of Poverty Handling.

The Director-General of Poverty Handling also conveyed that if there were duplicate data such as the village funds unconditional cash transfers (BLT Dana Desa) and BST, deliberations and consensus would be held through village officials to replace the BLT Dana Desa beneficiaries. 

"Due through some processes, the data on the proposal for receiving BST must be verified, validated and approved by regent/mayor before inputted to SIKS-NG," explained the Director-General of Poverty Handling.

He also added that it is better to replace the temporary data of BLT Dana Desa beneficiaries with the data of BST beneficiaries.

"The process of changing the data of BLT Dana Desa beneficiaries is simple because it is based on village deliberations. Therefore, it is better to replace those data," he said.
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