Head of BP3S Gives Direction on Social Welfare Human Resources Development Policy

  • Head of BP3S Gives Direction on Social Welfare Human Resources Development Policy
  • 15833323813290
  • 15833324055162

Writer :
Humas BBPPKS Bandung
Editor :
Alfian Anugrah P; Annisa YH
Translator :
Lingga Novianto; Karlina Irsalyana

BANDUNG (March 4th 2020) - Head of the Education, Research and Social Counseling Agency (BP3S) Ministry of Social RI, Prof. Syahabuddin conveyed directions regarding the Human Resources Development Policy for Social Welfare Administrators in the Narcotics Addiction Social Worker Training activities at the Bandung Social Welfare Training and Education Center (BBPPKS).

The training which lasts for 10 days from March 2nd – 11st 2020 aims to increase the capacity and competence of narcotics addiction social workers. The training participants come from various regions in the BBPPKS Bandung work area, such as from the regions of West Java, DKI Jakarta, Lampung Province, North Sumatra Province, and others.

In his direction, the Head of BP3S conveyed the urgency for social workers to take part in training in order to improve human resource, science, skills must be adequate in order to deal with disadvantaged people.

This is also related to the issuance of the Law on Social Workers, which means that social workers must further increase their capacity.

"Social workers must keep abreast of the times because now is an skill era. If social workers do not increase their capacity, they will not be able to keep up with the changing times that are getting faster today," said Prof. Syahabuddin.

The head of BP3S again reminded that "the Ministry of Social Affairs now has a new motto, namely HADIR. In the context of narcotics addiction social workers, this motto must be the spirit and principle of social workers in carrying out their duties." he said

"Social workers must be humanists, meaning to be at the forefront of dealing with problems. Social workers must also humanize humans, restore the social function of humans from being narcotics addicts to normal, healthy humans," he concluded.

Finally, the Head of BBPPKS Bandung also gave directions for participants to always apply the ethics and values of social workers in dealing with clients, especially People with Substance Use Disorders (ODGPZ).

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