Poltekesos Wins ORI Award

  • Poltekesos Wins ORI Award
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Writer :
Humas Poltekesos Bandung
Editor :
Annisa YH
Translator :
Intan Qonita N

BANDUNG (October 17, 2020) - Carrying out activities boldly through Zoom meetings or other platforms, may have become a common thing to do during this COVID-19 pandemic. However, this becomes unusual if the activity is attended by a large number of participants. For the first time, the Bandung Poltekesos held the Basic State Defense Exercise and the Anti-Drug Unit, which was attended by participants who were new students from the class of 2020 and old students who had not followed the previous training.

It was not easy for the organizing committee to prepare latsar activities for four consecutive days on 14-17 October 2020. In collaboration with Pinbox Multimedia, the committee successfully held latsar activities boldly to reach all participants throughout Indonesia. The background material received by the participants was also very diverse and presented various expert speakers in their fields.

This success made Poltekesos Bandung awarded by the Indonesian Original Record (ORI) as a record breaker for the category of implementing the Basic State Defense Exercise and Anti-Drug Task Force with the largest number of participants bravely. ORI is an achievement institution that takes the initiative to explore and motivate the nation's children whose creative ideas will be recorded as an Indonesian record.

The process has been calculated from the first day of the latsar implementation based on the number of participant absences. The reading of the minutes of the ORI assessment results was witnessed and signed by two witnesses from Bandung Poltekes lecturers and students, namely Ami Mary and Muhammad Suryo Ramadhan, with the final result of 665 participants bravely participating. Approval and Award of ORI Award for Poltekesos delivered by ORI Leader, Guruh Susanto to Director of Poltekesos Bandung, Marjuki, who was accompanied by Epi Supiadi and Vivin Harwati Suffiar as Person in Charge and Chief Executive of Latsar 2020.

Closing of Basic Training

New Poltekesos students have participated in the Basic State Defense Exercise and the Anti-Drug Task Force online and received a variety of very diverse materials on state defense and love for the homeland, anti-corruption education, handling natural disasters, handling Covid-19 cases and handling drug problems. Latsar participants have also filled out a statement form for Clean Campus Drugs Volunteers (Bersinar) and declared Anti-Drugs Student Volunteers. This declaration was read out by representatives of the participants, accompanied by the Secretary General and Deputy Secretary General Artipena. “Declarations that are spoken must be interpreted, not just read. In essence, this declaration is a commitment to self, nation and God”, said Secretary General Artipena, Eki Baihaki.

The Director of the Bandung Poltekesos, Marjuki, has finally officially closed the implementation of the Basic State Defense Exercise and the Anti-Drug Task Force in 2020, which was marked by the release of the attributes of participant representatives who were present at the Bandung Poltekesos Campus Auditorium Building. In his remarks, Marjuki expressed his appreciation for the success and enthusiasm of the participants in participating in the implementation of online training activities during the pandemic. Marjuki also hopes that the knowledge gained during the training can change the mindset, attitude and behavior of Bandung Poltekesos students to become students who are willing to sacrifice, love their homeland, are disciplined, never give up and are confident.

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