ProKUS Raises Economic Independence of Poor Families Amid Pandemic
ProKUS is an entrepreneurial program from the Directorate of Social Empowerment, Individuals, Families and Community Institutions (PSPKKM) under the Directorate of Social Empowerment of the Ministry of Social Affairs. ProKUS aims to empower Family Beneficiaries of Family Hope Program (KPM PKH) that has been integrated and has a pilot business to be able to live in prosperity.
Not only stimulant assistance in the form of business capital, ProKUS also provides mentors for micro-entrepreneurs in collaboration with Bina Swadaya Community Empowerment Institutions for the DKI Jakarta area.
Alif Riyawan, Ade Wewen and Nenah are some of the PKH Graduasi KPM who have received benefits from ProKUS in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. How is their story? Watch the full video.
#KemensosHADIR #ProKUS