Where to Complain about PKH Social Assistance?

The Family Hope Program (PKH) is a program of providing conditional cash social assistance to poor families with the aim of reducing the burden of spending and increasing income, creating behavior change and independence, reducing poverty and inequality, introducing the benefits of formal financial products and services.

To receive PKH assistance, prospective beneficiaries must have at least one component, namely the Health Component in the category of pregnant women and children aged 0-6 years; Education component with categories of elementary, junior high, and high school age children; Social Welfare Component with category of severe disability and elderly 70 years and over.

Assistance is distributed every three months, Check the list of PKH Social Assistance participation through Cekbansos.kemensos.go.id

If you find a problem, report it to 021-3144321 or WhatsApp to 0811500229

Come on, let's take care of PKH social assistance for Prosperous Indonesia!

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