ATENSI for the Elderly in Demak

  • ATENSI for the Elderly in Demak
  • 16381640133933
  • 16381640109365

Writer :
Humas Balai Budhi Dharma Bekasi
Editor :
Translator :
Karlina Irsalyana

DEMAK (23 November 2021) — To eradicate poverty and neglect, the Ministry of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia has initiated several assistance programs for the underprivileged, one of which is the Social Rehabilitation Assistance (ATENSI) for the Elderly (LU).


Through Social Rehabilitation Center "Budi Dharma" Bekasi, ATENSI is also distributed to Social Welfare Service Recipients (PPKS) in several regencies/cities in Central Java Province, including Demak Regency through the Darul Falaah Foundation, Balongmiri Hamlet RT.03 RW.02 Jragung Village, Karangawen District, Demak Regency.


ATENSI is given directly to beneficiaries through transfer to the account of each elderly person, where each elderly will receive a Savings Book, ATENSI Card, ATM Card along with the PIN.


In this distribution process, the institution represented by the Chairman of the Darul Falaah Foundation coordinated in advance with Bank Mandiri Mranggen Sub-Branch Office and Bank Mandiri Demak Branch as the bank appointed by the Central Bank regarding technical and administrative requirements that must be completed in the distribution of assistance.


On Wednesday (17/11/2021) Bank Mandiri KCP Mranggen assisted by the Social Division of Bank Mandiri Youth Branch came to Darul Falaah Demak Foundation to hand over Savings Books, ATENSI Cards, ATM Cards, and PINs to 16 elderly. For the elderly, assistance is provided directly at the institution. Likewise, on Thursday (11/18/2021) the Social Division of Bank Mandiri Demak Branch also directly handed over ATENSI support for 24 elderly with the same mechanism.


In his remarks, the Chairman of the Darul Falaah Foundation, Baihaqi said that the institution is committed to assisting the distribution of ATENSI support starting from the proposal, disbursement, utilization of aid to reporting and accountability.


In addition, Baihaqi also expressed his gratitude to Bank Mandiri for voluntarily coming directly to the institution to assist in the account opening process, delivery of savings books, ATENSI cards, ATMs, and disbursement of funds, so that the process of handing over assistance went smoothly.


“Because honestly, we can't imagine how difficult this process would be if we had to invite the elderly to come directly to the bank, with the condition that most of the elderly just had to walk. Anyway, thank you to those who have taken part in making the process of distributing ATENSI easier,” said Baihaqi.


"I and the Darul Falaah Foundation case management team will always sincerely accompany the spending process following the previous assessment," he added.

Zumroh, or who is familiarly called Mbah Zum as one of the beneficiaries, expressed her gratitude to the Ministry of Social Affairs and the Darul Falaah Foundation case manager team and sincerely hope that assistance like this will continue. It is hoped that their nutritional needs can still be met with a program from the Ministry of Social Affairs like this.

The handover was attended by Yuda as the Social Division of Bank Mandiri's Youth Branch in Semarang, Faiz from the Social Division of Bank Mandiri's Demak Branch along with one of his staff. In addition, Baihaqi as the Chairman of the Darul Falaah Foundation and the Case Manager of the Darul Falaah Foundation were also present.

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