MoSA Secretary of the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation Attends KOICA International Conference in Jakarta

  • MoSA Secretary of the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation Attends KOICA International Conference in Jakarta
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  • WhatsApp Image 2024-08-13 at 17.24.02

Writer :
Humas Direktorat Jenderal Rehabilitasi Sosial
Editor :
Translator :
Rizka Surya Ananda/Karlina Irsalyana

Jakarta (13 August 2024) — The Secretary of the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation, Salahuddin Yahya, attended an event hosted by the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) titled The 3rd Korea-Indonesia International Case Conference, held at Pusdiklatbangprof Margaguna, South Jakarta.

On this occasion, Salahuddin Yahya emphasized the importance of the conference for Indonesia’s future, particularly to youths and adolescents.

“This event is highly beneficial, as its focus is on adolescents. When we talk about adolescents, we are essentially talking about the future of our nation. Whether it’s 20, 25, or 30 years from now, the youths we are discussing today will determine where our nation is headed — whether it will be dynamic, harmonious, or continue to maintain national stability,” said Salahuddin.

Salahuddin also highlighted the importance of strengthening the internal of the nation, especially among adolescents, as a way to prevent various social issues that often arise in other countries, including those in the Middle East and the United Kingdom. “We have observed the chaos in several countries in the Middle East, and even in the UK. Therefore, we need to strengthen internal movements within our society, particularly among adolescents,” he added.

In his speech, Salahuddin stressed that the theme of the conference is highly relevant to the current challenges faced by the social rehabilitation system in Indonesia. “Adolescents are the backbone of our nation's future, but they are also most vulnerable to social issues such as poverty, violence, drug abuse, and mental health problems,” he explained.

He further emphasized the need to provide positive channels and platforms for young people to channel their energy constructively, to prevent deviant behaviors such as violence and crime. “When we engage with adolescents in the rehabilitation centers, we often notice that they have vacant expressions, seemingly unaware that what they have done is wrong. This becomes a serious issue. If these local problems spread into the wider community, we can only imagine how the growth and development of leadership in our nation would be impeded,” he added.

The event was attended by various representatives from both countries, including experts, academics, and practitioners in the field of social rehabilitation. It aimed to strengthen cooperation between South Korea and Indonesia in addressing the social issues faced by teenagers.

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