Policy Directions and Strategies for Handling Displaced People Impact of COVID-19

  • Policy Directions and Strategies for Handling Displaced People Impact of COVID-19
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Writer :
OHH Ditjen Rehsos
Editor :
Annisa YH
Translator :
Intan Qonita N

BEKASI (July 25, 2020) - The Director General of Social Rehabilitation of the Ministry of Social Affairs, Harry Hikmat conveyed the Policy Direction and Strategy of the Social Rehabilitation Program for 2020-2024 at the Coordination Meeting of the National Forum for Social Welfare Institutions (LKS) organized by the Center for Professional Development of Social Workers and Social Counselors at Hotel Aston Imperial Bekasi. This activity was carried out for 4 (four) days starting from 25 to 28 July 2020.

Harry said that according to the direction of the Indonesian Minister of Social Affairs, Juliari P Batubara (28/07/20) that the impact of COVID-19 could last a long time, the government must ensure that no one is living hard or starving. Prepare immediately shelters for street children, homeless people and beggars, as well as people who can't afford to eat, easily lose their homes and even lose their jobs.

Finding a shelter, make it for about 3 (three) months, such as a Sports Center (GOR) and buildings that can be occupied for temporary shelter (Social Rehabilitation Center), feed it by using the Tagana Public Kitchen.

"Therefore, one of the Ministry of Social's Social Rehabilitation Programs is Handling Displaced People Due to COVID-19 (PWTC) by paying special attention to the poor, vulnerable and marginalized to survive in situations affected by COVID-19 through preventing hunger amid PSBB, preventing the occurrence of residents are homeless and begging, prevent people with disabilities from making a living on the streets, reduce acts of violence, prevent exploitation of women, children and the elderly who are affected by COVID-19," said Harry.

There are 3 (three) approaches in PWTC COVID-19, namely first, community-based through LKS such as family strengthening activities for marginalized residents (scavengers, beggars) who are affected by COVID-19, handling and prevention to stay at home / not to the streets / public area. Locations in the villages of marginalized communities that are fostered by Social Service Agencies (LKS), involve the community to fulfill basic needs (independent public kitchens) and Clean and Healthy Living Behavior.

Second, based on temporary shelters, namely Temporary Shelters (TPS) for residents displaced by COVID-19 in GOR-GOR which have been prepared by each Social Service Sub-dept., equipped with living facilities, personal equipment, toiletries and public kitchens.

Third, based on the Social Rehabilitation Center/Panti as a place for continued services for residents displaced by COVID-19, prioritized Beneficiaries (PM) who are very vulnerable (pregnant women, early childhood children, the elderly, people with disabilities) who need special services and services. continued at the Panti/Rehsos Hall belonging to the Ministry of Social Affairs as well as the Provincial or City/Regency Social Office.

The priority program of the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation in 2021 is the implementation of Social Rehabilitation Assistance (ATENSI) which includes the fulfillment of basic needs, therapy (physical, mental, spiritual, psychosocial, skills/entrepreneurship), social care/care (needs for love, safety, attachment, welfare) and family support (emotional, knowledge, relationship skills and understanding the problems at hand). ATENSI is strengthened by implementing family, community and residential-based social rehabilitation.

Harry said that family-based attention is important because the family is a place to meet physical and psychological needs as well as a place of shelter. A good, harmonious and happy family can improve the quality of social welfare.

Furthermore, community-based attention with the consideration that the community is the closest environment in fulfilling physical and psychological needs; A community that has a shared awareness will protect against abandonment; LKS is the main driver for families and communities to assist/care for. Community is closest to family. Therefore, the community must be strengthened through LKS to be more sensitive and responsive in preventing and resolving the problems they experience.

Residential care-based ATENSI is residential-based care through Social Centers/Social Rehabilitation Houses. According to Harry, residential services are the last alternative. Thus, the Central Technical Implementation Unit (UPT)/Centers as centrelink must focus its services on increasing the capacity of the Regional UPT and LKS so that they can focus their activities more on strengthening family resilience so that they can return to their families as soon as possible.

At the end of his presentation Harry wants that LKS accreditation is not about quantity but quality, so accreditation aims to guarantee the quality of LKS services, protect from abuse of authority (malpractice), increase LKS capacity, truly standardized, transparent, and comprehensive.

Standardized means that accreditation methods and instruments produce valid and reliable data. Transparent means that accreditation must involve various parties. Comprehensive means that accreditation must cover program feasibility, human resources, organizational management, infrastructure, and service outcomes. "Online accreditation needs to be developed so that more LKS are accredited," concluded Harry.

There were 34 participants who were representatives of the National Forums throughout Indonesia, and the LKS Regional Forums of each province.
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