Policy Directions and Strategies for the Social Rehabilitation Program for 2020-2024

  • Policy Directions and Strategies for the Social Rehabilitation Program for 2020-2024
  • 15955470932854
  • 15955470996906

Writer :
OHH Ditjen Rehsos
Editor :
Annisa YH
Translator :
Mellin Sindi P; Karlina Irsalyana

BOGOR (July 22, 2020) - The Director General of Social Rehabilitation at the Ministry of Social Affairs, RI, Harry Hikmat, conveyed the Policy Directions and Strategies for the Social Rehabilitation Program for 2020-2024 at the Internal Technical Meeting for the Evaluation of COVID-19 Response on Elderly.
Harry said that of the 26 Social Welfare Service Recipients (PPKS), the priority targets for implementing social welfare were neglected elderly aged 60 years and over. Of the 267 million Indonesians (BPS, 2019), there are 12.6 million neglected elderly (DTKS, Ministry of Social Affairs 2019). Currently, the elderly who work are still quite large, especially in villages, but do not have health insurance, old age and pensions because they are poor.
“We have to change the mindset, by ensuring that the data on the elderly who are the targets of social welfare assistance is standardized based on the standards of the Pusdatin (data and information center). Whatever data is available, make sure it can be included in the Social Welfare Integrated Data (DTKS), because we have a target, the elderly who are proposed to get a social safety net program, "said Harry.
 “In the future, immediately tidying up the data, whether prospective beneficiaries, beneficiaries, or former beneficiaries are collected again. The data will be part of the target group for the elderly social rehabilitation assistance," said Harry.   
According to Harry, there are several strategic problems that are being faced, including increasing the population of street PPKS during the COVID-19 pandemic, integrating PPKS data with DTKS for access to basic food and BST, implementing refocusing social rehabilitation programs for PPE officers and assistants, as well as PPKS basic necessities. marginalized (not included in DTKS), drafting regulations on social rehabilitation (RPP and Ministerial Regulation), revision of the Minister of Social Affairs concerning the mechanism for implementing government aid budgets, facilitation of the secretariat and the establishment of the National Commission for Disability (KND).
Harry also conveyed the importance of changing the service paradigm which was originally limited in function, long term and experienced by humanitarian practitioners to become multifunctional services for PPKS, short term, service centers for families and communities, as well as professional social work practices.
In 2021 the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation prioritizes several activities, including the implementation of Social Rehabilitation Assistance (ATENSI) which includes the fulfillment of basic needs, therapy (physical, mental, spiritual, psychosocial, skills/entrepreneurship), social care/nurturing (needs for love, safety, attachment), welfare) and family support (emotional, knowledge, relationship skills and understanding the problems faced). ATENSI is strengthened by implementing family, community and residential-based social rehabilitation.  
Harry said that family-based ATENSI, because the family is a place for the elderly to meet their physical and psychological needs, a place of shelter, and their role as advisors for other family members. A good, harmonious and happy family can improve the quality of the social welfare of the elderly, while a family that does not care, is not harmonious, and full of conflicts will be at risk for the physical and psychological health of the elderly. The family is the best place for the elderly, so family resilience must be strengthened, so that family members/elderly can be prevented from becoming PMKS.
Furthermore, community-based ATENSI, because the community is the closest environment for the elderly in fulfilling physical and psychological needs; A community that has a shared awareness will protect the elderly from neglect; LKS is the main Activator for families and communities to assist/care for the elderly. The community is the closest to the elderly family. Therefore, the community (especially Toga, Tomas, and other key figures in society) must be strengthened through LKS to be more sensitive and responsive in preventing and solving problems experienced by the elderly.

ATENSI with residential care is an assistance for elderly with residential based through RehabilitationSocial Center, orElderly Social Welfare Institution(LKS LU), which is a necessity for the elderly who do not have families or are abandoned by families or families who are unable to take care of the elderly due to economic and social problems. Treatment at the Panti or LKS LU can guarantee the quality of the social welfare of the elderly if the physical, psychological and social needs of the elderly can be met while in the Panti or LKS LU.
According to Harry, Residential services are the last alternative. So, the Central UPT/Center as centrelink must focus its services on increasing the capacity of the Regional UPT & LKS so that they can focus their activities more on strengthening family resilience so that the neglected/vulnerable elderly can return to their families as soon as possible.
The next priority activity is to continue the renovation of the Center, Piloting CentrelinkRehsos, which is to ensure that PPKS basic rights are fulfilled and in the protection of families through ATENSI services. Furthermore, standardization of Center (strengthening institutions and human resources) through institutional accreditation and certification of social rehabilitation assistants,services, Contact Center namely integrating PPKS data with Integrated Social Welfare Data (DTKS), and massive national campaigns related to the prevention of social problems.
At the end of his directive, Harry again reminded that COVID-19 has not ended in the adaptation period for new habits. The era of adaptation to new habits emphasizes the readiness of individuals to carry out activities outside the home even though COVID-19 has not disappeared. New habits are new orders, habits and behaviors based on adaptation in the context of cultivating clean and healthy living behavior. Handling humanity in adapting new habits must pay attention to the 5 principles of the New Habits, namely more distance, cleaner, less, more open, faster.
“This meeting is good for the Elderly community, so that changes in strategic policies at the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation can be conveyed. Make sure the health protocols both at the head office and at the local office are always applied in daily activities," concluded the Director General of Social Rehabilitation.
This activity was attended by officials and staff as well as the Head of Center and Loka within the Directorate of Social Rehabilitation for the Elderly.

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