NIAS (July 6, 2022) - Director-General of Social
Rehabilitation, Pepen Nazaruddin representing the Minister of Social Affairs,
Tri Rismaharini accompanied President Joko Widodo to handover social assistance
ATENSI, PKH, BLT Cooking Oil, and Basic Foods symbolically for Children, Elderly
and People with Disabilities in President Jokowi's working visit to North Nias
Regency and West Nias Regency, North Sumatra.
The assistance given by President Jokowi was in the form of ATENSI, PKH, and BLT for cooking oil and necessities for children, the elderly, and people
with disabilities with a total aid of IDR 19,229,508,743.
ATENSI (Social Rehabilitation Assistance) was provided in North and West
Nias Districts with a total of IDR 67,900,000 in the form of Entrepreneurship,
Basic Food, and Accessibility Aids, namely 6 wheelchairs, 3 adaptive sticks, and
2 arm sticks for Persons with Disabilities.
In addition, PKH assistance was also symbolically handed over with a
total aid of IDR 19,140,950,000 to communities in North Nias Regency and West
Nias Regency, Medan, and North Sumatra.
During this working visit, President Jokowi also conducted hospitality
and gave messages to the Beneficiaries so that the assistance provided was put
to good use to increase business capital.
Amanda Omega Lestari Gulo, a person with hearing and speech sensory disabilities
since she was born, became one of the recipients of ATENSI from MoSA during the
visit of President Joko Widodo to North Nias Regency and West Nias Regency.
Amanda received ATENSI from MoSA in the form of entrepreneurial capital.
The emotion was conveyed by Amanda's father who received help. "I am very
touched and grateful to MoSA who has generously assisted my
child, we never expected to receive this assistance, this is beneficial for our