9 President and Minister of Social Affairs Review the Distribution of the Basic Food Program in Sintang District 10/12/2021 SINTANG REGENCY (December 8, 2021) - The President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo, accompanied by... More Details
Lantunan Shalawat dan Kehadiran Mensos Hadirkan Ketenangan Bagi Warga dan Anak-Anak Untuk Tetap Semangat Jalani Hidup 10/12/2021
Receiving Flood Aid in Bangkalan, Regent Ra Latif: Thank You for the Attention of the Minister of Social Affairs for the Residents of Blega Village 06/12/2021
9 Directorate General of PFM Monitors E-Warong in Bandung City 06/12/2021 BANDUNG (4 December 2021) - Director General of Poverty Handling (PFM), Asep Sasa Purnama visited e-warong t... More Details