MALUKU (June 26th, 2024) – The Social Service of Cataracts Surgery was held once more by the Ministry of Social Affairs to restore the visual function and quality of life for the residents of Tanimbar Islands. The peak event was located in Regent's Pavilion of Tanimbar Islands, and there were ...
MALUKU (June 26th, 2024) – The Social Service of Cataracts Surgery was held once more by the Ministry of Social Affairs to restore the visual function and quality of life for the residents of Tanimbar Islands. The peak event was located in Regent's Pavilion of Tanimbar Islands, and there were ...
BATU CITY (June 24th, 2024) - Ministry of Social Affairs was seeking to enhance the beneficiaries of social assistance businesses such as Sumadi (44) who owned marie wijen (sesame coated biscuit) “Ivanes” from Batu City Malang by providing Nusantara Economic Heroes (PENA) assistance. Sumadi got ...
JAKARTA (June 24th, 2024) – Siti Utari (36), who was often called Mpok Uut, was known widely for her Pecel Ayam’s (deep fried chicken served with sambal sauce and fresh vegetables) stall. As a beneficiary of Nusantara Economic Heroes (PENA) from Ministry of Social Affairs, Mpok Uut’s business gr...
EAST SUMBA (June 16th, 2024) – Juliano Ngail Mbiliyora (Jano) has reached the age of three and can only lie at home due to cerebral palsy. Living in Umamanu Village, Lewa Tidahu District, East Sumba, Jano was born to his mother, Yanti Pendu Jola (30), who was a person with disability. Jano’s ...
BANTEN (14 Juni 2024) - Rangkaian kegiatan bakti sosial dilakukan oleh Kementerian Sosial Republik Indonesia (Kemensos RI) di dua daerah Provinsi Banten yakni Pandeglang dan Lebak. Selain fokus pada penanganan masalah disabilitas, baik fisik maupun mental. Kemensos juga memberikan bantuan pemberdaya...
BANTEN (June 13th, 2024) – Saip smiled happily when he received empowerment assistance from Ministry of Social Affairs for 40 laying hens. The man often called Mang Saip is very optimistic about running his business successfully. “I’m so glad, happy, I have mixed feelings when receiving the assi...
PANDEGLANG (June 13th, 2024) – Societal stigma made Uum, wife of Mahpudin, an ex-leper, lost faith in herself. Eventually, she and her husband hid themselves in a house and rarely socialized. To restore Uum and her husband’s confidence, Minister of Social Affairs (MoSA) gave Uum empowerment assi...
LHOKSUKON (May 22, 2024) — The Ministry of Social Affairs in collaboration with the Lhoksukon Syar'iyah Court, the Office of the Ministry of Religion of North Aceh Regency through the Office of Religious Affairs (KUA), and the Department of Population and Civil Registration held an Integrated Marri...
MEDAN (May 2nd, 2024) – The Commission VIII of the House of Representatives of Republic of Indonesia together with Ministry of Social Affairs (MoSA) through Bahagia Sentra in Medan held Recess Work Visit to North Sumatera Province in Session Period IV of Session Year 2023 – 2024 in Bahagia Cente...
JAKARTA (May 1st, 2024) – The handling of Persons in Needs of Social Welfare Services (PPKS) needed a collaboration between the government and human resources in the society, one of them is Muhammadiyah community organization. To create an inclusive society for persons with disabilities, Minist...
WAINGAPU (May 2nd, 2024) – Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini accompanied by the acting Director General of Social Rehabilitation Pepen Nazaruddin visits Kanatang Public Health Center in East Sumba Regency to monitor the handling of persons with mental disorders (ODGJ) on Thursday, May 2n...
BANDUNG (27 April 2024) - Di tengah tantangan hidup yang berat, Hikmat Firdaus, Instruktur Shiatsu Sentra Wyata Guna Bandung, memperlihatkan betapa keberanian dan keyakinan diri bisa mengubah segalanya. Setelah kehilangan sebagian penglihatannya akibat meningitis, banyak yang men...
JAKARTA (26 April 2024) - Sebagai wujud apresiasi dari Kementerian Luar Negeri, Menteri Luar Negeri Republik Indonesia Retno Marsudi menggelar malam penganugerahan Hassan Wirajuda Pelindungan WNI Award (HWPA) 2023. Rumah Perlindungan dan Trauma Center (RPTC) Bambu Apus men...
JAKARTA (25 April 2024) - Menteri Sosial Republik Indonesia Tri Rismaharini diwakili oleh Plt. Direktur Jenderal Rehabilitasi Sosial Pepen Nazaruddin menghadiri Rapat Kerja Nasional (Rakernas) di Badan Kependudukan dan Keluarga Berencana Nasional (BKKBN), Jakarta Timur. Rakernas BKKBN ini membahas ...
BANDUNG (25 April 2024) -- Menteri Sosial Tri Rismaharini didampingi Staf Khusus Menteri (SKM) meresmikan Sentra Kreasi Atensi (SKA) Lembang. Mensos Risma menyampaikan bahwa tujuan dari SKA ini agar disabilitas atau penerima manfaat miskin atau kurang mampu dapat diberikan kesempatan yang...
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