Accept The Visitation of Education and Culture Minister, Social Affairs Minister Points Out on Synergy of Data Usage

Accept The Visitation of Education and Culture Minister, Social Affairs Minister Points Out on Synergy of Data Usage
Writer :
Koesworo Setiawan
Translator :
Yusuf Andika; Karlina Irsalyana

JAKARTA (November 14, 2019) – The Social Affairs Minister Juliari P.Batubara  accepted the visitation from Education and Culture Minister, Nadiem Makarim, today. The meeting was purposed to solidate the coordination between the two ministries, also to improve the cooperation on data management to support the assistance for pre-welfare person.

“The point is that, this is a beginning process to improve the future synergy. As the President’s request, all of the ministers need to work together as a team, not by individuals. Moreover, we also coordinated several aspects related to the data management,” said the Social Affairs Minister, in the Ministry of Social Affairs’ Main Office, Jakarta, Thursday (14/11/2019).

The Secretary General Hartono Laras, Director General of Social Protection and Security Harry Hikmat, Senior Advisor for Minister on Social Accessibility Sonny W Manalu, head of Social Welfare Data and Information Center Said Mirza Pahlevi and Head of Planning Bureau Adhy Karyono accompanied the Minister.

Other than as early interactions, Social Affairs Minister said, this meeting is also in accordance to the President’s Vision Implementation, which was built the superior Human Resource and Indonesia moving forward.

To strengthen the implementation, the Minister said, this program needed to be supported by the trusted data base. “In this case, the Ministry of Social Affairs will become the leading sector to provide data base for all program which related to the social welfare development,” said the Minister.

In both of the Ministries, each of them had programs to improve the welfare of pre-welfare person. In the Ministry of Education and Culture, it had been known as the Indonesia Smart Card (KIP), which helped the pre-welfare person to access education. In the Ministry of Social Affairs, it was known as Family Hope Program (PKH) and Non-Cash Food Assistance (BNPT).

Social Assistance (Bansos) for Family Hope Program had a close relationship with Indonesia Smart Card Program.

According to the Minister, in the meeting, both of them were agreed to ensure the person who were decent to receive the Indonesia Smart Card and also if they who were receive it was truly accepted the smart card.

“We want to make sure that the student component in Family Hope Program is persons who receive Indonesia Smart Card. We want to have more detailed information on several things. For example, on who are the beneficiaries which have not receive the Smart Card,” said the Minister.

To follow up this meeting, the Social Affairs and Education Minister agreed to send the officials at the lower ministerial lever to match the data related to Indonesia Smart Card. “I have assigned the head of Data and Information Center to follow up the problem. It has been targeted in two weeks to finish the problem,” said the Minister.

The Minister of Education and Culture agreed on the Social Affairs Minister. ”Moreover than the substance, it is important to strengthen the work pattern between the ministries and the lower level so that it can collaborate and active on the same movement. So it can be faster and more simple,” said the Education Minister.

Along with that, the Social Affairs Minister also pointed out the same thing. “If the target is pre-welfare person, I think that it will be better if there is a data integration,” said the Minister.

Acting Head of Public Relations Bureau

The Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs

Sonny W Manalu

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