"Bahagia" BRSODH Educates Young Generation about HIV

  • "Bahagia" BRSODH Educates Young Generation about HIV
  • 15702330667851
  • 15702330772276

Writer :
Humas BRSODH "Bahagia" Medan
Editor :
Intan Qonita N
Translator :
Alika Sandra; Karlina Irsalyana

MEDAN (October 3rd, 2019) - “Bahagia” Social Rehabilitation Center for People with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (BRSODH) Medan participates in the use of demographic bonuses which are predicted to have a population of productive age (15-64 years) greater than population of unproductive age (under 15 years and above 64 years). This is done by holding "Bahagia" BRSODH Medan Goes To School Activity.

The purpose of this activity is to educates millennial generation with the dissemination of reproductive health and HIV / AIDS from one school to another schools to prepare healthy productive ages and HIV-free. The activity was carried out at SMAN 7 and SMPN 37 Medan on October 1 st and 3rd, 2019

The resource persons who attended this event were from health practitioners who delivered information related to reproduction health. "Happy" BRSODH Medan Social Instructor delivered material about the Impact of Juvenile Delinquency from Social Aspects and Social Workers delivered about the Government's Participation in Handling HIV / AIDS

In the question and answer session, the participants were very enthusiastic, they asked a lot of critical questions related to reproductive health and knowledge about HIV / AIDS. It seems that they were very happy because they met practitioners in their fields who could answer their curiosity.

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