Benefit Recipients of BRSPDI "Ciungwanara" Become Inclusive Athlete

  • Benefit Recipients of BRSPDI "Ciungwanara" Become Inclusive Athlete
  • 15702202086539
  • 15702202172019
  • 15702202272228

Writer :
Humas BRSPDI "Ciungwanara" Bogor
Editor :
Intan Qonita N
Translator :
Intan Qonita N

BOGOR (October 4, 2019) - Head of the Ciungwanara Intellectual Disability (BRSPDI) Bogor Rehabilitation Center in Bogor, Esa Sumantri opened the Inclusive Youth Leadership Training Special Olympics Indonesia (SOIna) in the BRSPDI Ciungwanara Hall in Bogor. This activity was carried out in the context of recruiting athletes from the Bogor "Ciungwanara" BRSPDI to become athletes who will participate in the Athlete Leadership Programs (ALPs) program.

"I invite all those present here to play an active and joyful role in fun sports activities, and to motivate each other so that people with intellectual disabilities can work in the community, and create an inclusive environment," Esa said.

This activity is expected to establish friendly relations, eliminate the negative stigma of persons with intellectual disabilities and develop the quantity and quality of BRSPDI "Ciungwanara" athletes, Mahardhika Vocational School students and mentors.

A total of 20 BRSPDI "Ciungwanara" Beneficiaries (PMs) became athletes in the Inclusive Youth Leadership Training event accompanied by 20 students, five teachers from SMK Mahardhika Cibinong and 20 assistants from BRSPDI Ciungwanara Bogor. This activity lasted for three days starting on October 4-6, 2019.

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