BRSODH "Bahagia" Educates Social Counseling

BRSODH "Bahagia" Educates Social Counseling
Writer :
Humas BRSODH "Bahagia" Medan
Editor :
Intan Qonita N
Translator :
Intan Qonita N

MEDAN (September 26, 2019) - Located in the Morning Meeting room, the Social Rehabilitation Center for People with HIV (BRSODH) "Bahagia" Medan conducted a social outreach to Time Bound Shelter (TBS) recipients for a period of three months.

The material was given by Helmayuni as a social instructor. She shared information and education material on the Basic / Reference of Social Rehabilitation Services for People with HIV and an understanding of basic HIV.

"The role of social educators of the Social Rehabilitation Center for People with HIV (BRSODH) "Bahagia" Medan in handling people with HIV (ODHIV) is very helpful as they are carrying out the duties and functions of the hall related to communication, information, education and motivation in activities inside and outside the hall. Counseling is presented through electronic media namely video and powerpoint, "Helmayuni said.

In the rehabilitation center activities, social counseling is given to recipients of services in the hall, both Time Bound Shelter with a period of six months, three months, two weeks and recipients of services at the Antara Home, with delivery of counseling through individuals, groups or in bulk.

In addition to listening to the material presented, the recipient of the service also asked questions about matters relating to HIV both scientifically and understanding that developed in the general public.

"Obviously with this extension, we hope that service recipients can have a correct understanding of HIV and be able to re-socialize it in the immediate environment," Helmayuni added.

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