DPR Supports Reallocation of MoSA Budget for Social Assistance Transformation

DPR Supports Reallocation of MoSA Budget for Social Assistance Transformation
Writer :
Koesworo Setiawan
Translator :
Putri D

JAKARTA (February 5, 2020) - Minister of Social Affairs Juliari P. Batubara submitted a budget reallocation for 2020 amounting to Rp1,339,737,300. Budget reallocation is done by first doing budget efficiency.


In general, members of the People's Representative Council (DPR) Commission VIII welcomed the Social Minister's proposals and breakthroughs including the launch of 2020’s Resolution and the HADIR tagline. Even with budget reallocation policies, many consider the amount of the budget need to be increased.


"Efficient is indeed done because it is an organizational demand related to budget management. Then from that efficiency we reallocate the budget to strengthen the social empowerment program," said Juliari.


The working meeting was led by Chairperson of Commission VIII Yandri Susanto who was accompanied by the ranks of Deputy Chairperson of the Commission.


Furthermore, the Minister stated that the 2020 budget reallocation was carried out with budget efficiency in 7 program posts. The results can be streamlined in the Social Security Protection program of Rp.419.7 billion. Efficiency in the Poverty Handling program of Rp72 billion. Then the efficiency was also carried out for five other programs included in the non-operational expenditure program with a total value of Rp. 200 Billion.


From the efficiency results of Rp1,339 Trillion above, the Ministry of Social Affairs reallocated them to 5 reinforcement targets. The five areas that receive reallocation are, firstly, the strengthening of social empowerment programs in accelerating poverty reduction by Rp405.91 billion.


Secondly, strengthening social rehabilitation through international standard revitalization with a value of Rp321.4 billion. Third, strengthening preparedness and rapid response in disaster management Rp.229.3 billion.


Fourth, strengthening Social Welfare Integrated Data (DTKS) of Rp. 178.9 billion, and fifth, strengthening management support for bureaucratic reform worth Rp. 208.2 billion.


"By strengthening the social empowerment program, it will improve services to beneficiaries," the Minister added.

In general, work meeting runs well. In the question session, a number of board members expressed their appreciation and support for the Ministry of Social Affairs proposals and programs.


PDI Perjuangan fraction member Selly Andriany Gantina expressed support for the Social Minister program. Selly states, the value of strengthening the program proposed by the Minister of Social Affairs, needs to be added because some are too small.


"To strengthen the DTKS of Rp. 178.9 billion, this is too small, Minister. I know that for data management in other institutions the value is even greater. Even though this Ministry of Social Data will later become a reference for programs in other ministries and institutions. The value of Rp. 178, 9 billion I'm afraid that it will be used up only for the purposes of a few times," he said.


Board member from PKS Fraction KH. Buchori Yusuf also stated that the value of the budget for strengthening social empowerment programs needs to be increased. PKB Fraction members Maman Imanul Haq appreciated and supported the launch of 2020’s Resolution and the HADIR tagline.


Officially Commission VIII also stated its approval of the planned budget reallocation and strengthening of social empowerment programs. This can be seen from the formulation in the conclusion of the meeting that was read at the end of the meeting.


Public Relations Bureau

Ministry of Social Affairs

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