Flats are PPKS Social Rehabilitation Solutions to Be Independent and Overcome Poverty

The construction of vertical housing such as flats is part of the social rehabilitation process to help families who need Social Welfare Services (PPKS) get out of poverty, as well as empowerment so they can be independent.

“The flats here are for informal workers such as scavengers, residents living on railroad sleepers, beggars, and residents who live under bridges. Constructing flats to solve social problems," said Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini after inaugurating Flats at the Pangudi Luhur Integrated Center (STPL) in Bekasi City, Friday (10/2/2023).

All flats are temporary and one day residents who are already independent can leave and be replaced with new residents. In STPL there will be 13 KPM with disabilities, 17 KPM elderly, and 55 KPM from vulnerable groups.

"We do not only move but also provide for their livelihood. For example, washing workers will be given laundry training, scavengers will collect goods from several ministries, and those who live at the front of the flat, they will be given coffee shop or cafe business training with the target targeting the middle class,” she said.

On this occasion, the Minister of Social Affairs emphasized that in the process of building the milk house, the Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs collaborated with the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) which succeeded in building 3 Flat Units, namely in STPL Bekasi, Sentra Mulya Jaya in Pasar Rebo Jakarta, and still the development process at the Sentra Prof. Dr. Soeharso Solo.

"For the construction of this flat, I thank the President, Minister of PUPR, and Commission VIII of the DPR who supported my idea to move those who deserve assistance in the form of preparing residential houses," said the Minister of Social Affairs.

The Director General for Housing of the Ministry of PUPR, Iwan Suprijanto stated, that the flat at STPL Bekasi was built by the Ministry of PUPR with a 24 m2 type consisting of 5 floors with a capacity of 93 residential rooms.

"The flat is equipped with various supporting facilities such as access for persons with disabilities and facilities in each room in the form of beds (bunk beds, mattresses, wardrobes, tables, chairs, kitchen sets, toilet seats, showers, and 1300 watt token electricity)," he said.

Present at the inauguration of the flat was the Director General of Housing of the PUPR Ministry, Ir. Iwan Suprijanto; Chairman of Commission VIII DPR RI, H. Ashabul Kahfi; Member of Commission VIII DPR RI, Obon Tabroni; Acting Mayor of Bekasi, Tri Adhianto Tjahyono; Dandim of Bekasi City; Deputy Chief of Police for Bekasi City; Echelon I & II officials within the Ministry of Social Affairs; Minister's Special Staff; Center Heads, as well as Prospective Flat Beneficiaries.

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