Implementation of the Preparation of Liquidation Financial Statements of the Directorate General of Social Protection and Security

  • Implementation of the Preparation of Liquidation Financial Statements of the Directorate General of Social Protection and Security
  • WhatsApp Image 2022-09-14 at 20.42.06 (1)
  • WhatsApp Image 2022-09-14 at 20.42.08 (1)
  • WhatsApp Image 2022-09-14 at 20.42.06
  • WhatsApp Image 2022-09-14 at 20.42.08
  • WhatsApp Image 2022-09-14 at 20.42.09
  • WhatsApp Image 2022-09-14 at 20.42.07

Photographer :
Rahandika Prawiro (OHH Ditjen Linjamsos)
Editor :
Intan Qonita N
Translator :
Intan Qonita N

BOGOR (September 14, 2022) - The Acting Head of Director General of Social Protection and Security, Robben Rico, opened the preparation of the Liquidation Financial Statements of the Directorate General of Social Protection and Security accompanied by the Coordinator of the Finance Division, Diding Iriyanto. This activity was attended by 34 representatives from the Provincial Social Services throughout Indonesia, the Social Security Work Unit, the Finance Bureau and the Inspectorate General.

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