JAKARTA (23 Agustus 2024) – Inspektorat Jenderal melalui Tim Analisis dan Tindak Lanjut Hasil Pengawasan bersama Perwakilan Auditor dari Inspektorat Bidang Rehabilitasi Sosial, Inspektorat Bidang Pemberdayaan Sosial, Inspektorat Bidang Perlindungan dan Jaminan Sosial serta Inspektorat Bidang Pen...
JAKARTA (3 September 2024) – Pejabat Fungsional Auditor di lingkungan Inspektorat Jenderal Kementerian Sosial mengikuti kegiatan Pengelolaan Jabatan Fungsional Auditor (JFA), pada Selasa pagi (3/9). Kegiatan dilaksanakan secara daring melalui zoom meeting dengan narasumber utama yaitu Yulian Mulya P...
JAKARTA (15 Agustus 2024) - Inspektorat Jenderal Kementerian Sosial mengadakan penjelasan lanjutan mengenai pelaksanaan Survei Penilaian Integritas (SPI) Tahun 2024 melalui zoom meeting. Kegiatan yang diikuti oleh seluruh satuan kerja (satker) di lingkungan Kementerian Sosial, bertuju...
Bekasi (18 Desember 2023) - Sebanyak sembilan satuan kerja (satker) Kementerian Sosial menerima penghargaan pada peringatan Hari Anti-Korupsi Sedunia (Hakordia) 2023 yang digelar oleh Inspektorat Jenderal di Sentra Terpadu Pangudi Luhur Bekasi pada Senin (18/12). Plt. Sekretaris Jenderal Robben Rico...
JAKARTA (February 20, 2023) – The Inspectorate General is holding an Internal Audit Charter for the Ministry of Social Affairs within the scope of the Inspectorate General. The activity which was held at Aneka Bhakti Cawang Kencana Building was attended by functional auditors and field inspectors...
JAKARTA (February 17, 2023) – The Inspectorate General is holding a Review of the Financial Report of the Ministry of Social Affairs for the 2022 Fiscal Year. This activity, which was held at “Mulya Jaya” Center Jakarta, aims to provide limited assurance on the accuracy, reliability, and validity...
BEKASI (February 3, 2023) – To equalize perceptions, and create direct, integrated, effective, efficient, and accountable action steps the Inspectorate General held a Technical Coordination Meeting for the 2023 Oversight Program. This activity was held from 31 January to 3 February in the Aneka ...
JAKARTA (August 18, 2021) – Koalisi Audiensi Mahasiswa Pemuda Prihatin (AMPRI) and Pemuda Anti Mafia visited the Ministry of Social Affairs office to raise issues related to BPNT occurred in South Sulawesi. The Inspectorate General representing the Ministry of Social Affairs held a hearing to res...
BANDUNG (August 14, 2021) – The Inspectorate General is currently investigating news published in an online newspaper about suspicions of fraudulent activities in BPNT distribution in West Bandung. The Inspector General, Dadang Iskandar, immediately responded to the allegations. The Inspector Ge...
JAKARTA (8 February 2021) - The Ministry of Social Affairs, represented by the Inspectorate General, is collaborating with various parties to oversee the accountability of the procurement and distribution of social assistance. This time, the Ministry of Social Affairs visited the National Polic...
BOGOR (January 21, 2021) - As an effort to equalize perceptions and action steps in the implementation of the 2021 supervision program in a directed, integrated, effective, efficient, transparent, accountable manner and in accordance with applicable regulations, the Inspectorate General held a Progr...
JAKARTA (January 20, 2021) – The Inspectorate General is taking various efforts to oversee the accountability of the Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs. One of the efforts taken is by cooperating with the Attorney General's Office to oversee the programs in the Indonesian Ministry of Social Affai...
JAKARTA (January 6, 2020) – Starting 2021, the Inspectorate for Social Rehabilitation will hold Technical Guidance on the Process and Procedure for the Review of State Property (BMN) Reassessment to strengthen Government Internal Supervisory Apparatus (APIP) supervision within the Inspectorate Gener...
JAKARTA (15 December 2020) - Coinciding with the commemoration of World Anti-Corruption Day (Hakordia) on 9 December, the Ministry of Social Affairs, which in this case is led by the Inspectorate General and the Center for Social Counseling, held a series of activities to commemorate Hakordia.The se...
JAKARTA (November 3, 2020) - The Evaluation of the Development of the Integrity Zone (ZI) has entered the third stage. The third stage is the implementation of the Integrity Zone Presentation Towards Corruption Free Zone (WBK) / td {border: 1px solid #ccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}Clean Ser...
JAKARTA (October 21, 2020) - Entering the third stage of the Evaluation of the Development of the Integrity Zone (ZI), namely the Exposure to the Implementation of the ZI Development, the Inspectorate General as the Internal Assessment Team carried out the Strengthening of Preparation for the Evalua...
JAKARTA (18 July 2020) - RKA-KL is a very crucial planning for budgeting in a Ministry. This is what underlies the Inspectorate General in holding the RKA-KL Review of the Indicative Ceiling for the 2021 Fiscal Year of the Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs.The activity, which was held at the ...
BANDUNG (July 8, 2020) – The implementation of reforms is one of the things that the Inspectorate General pays attention to. In this regard, the Inspectorate General held a sampling test of the Public Service Quality Assurance Information System (e-SiQAP) as a tangible manifestation of the imple...
JAKARTA (June 30, 2020) – Located at the Aneka Bhakti Building, the Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs held the implementation of Bureaucratic Reform as well as the launch of the Ministry of Social's Digiwork Application. This activity was carried out in line with the Submit Online Self Assessmen...
JAKARTA (16th June 2020) – Government Internal Control System (SPIP) is an important thing in good governance. With SPIP, monitoring activities in progress is more easily. Therefore, the Inspectorate General continues to strengthen SPIP within the UPT Social Rehabilitation Center of Ministry of Soci...
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