YOGYAKARTA (September 6, 2019) - The Director General of Poverty Handling (PFM), Andi ZA Dulung closed the activities of the Central and Regional Reporting Coordination Meeting within the Directorate General of Poverty Handling in 2019 with the theme "Optimizing Coordination and Work Synergy of Central and Regional Reporting for quality performance of the PFM Program".
"The existence of hospitality ties or chemistry in work is very important and very necessary in our network, so that work can be more easily completed," said Director General of PFM at one of the hotels in Yogyakarta (06/09).
He said that the secretaries and heads of offices that were present were expected to assist the head of the field who was running the PFM program.
In his direction, the Director General of PFM explained the Non-Cash Food Assistance (BPNT) program in which in September 2019 all regencies / cities throughout Indonesia will implement BPNT.
"There is no more Social Welfare Social Assistance, only BPNT," Andi explained.
Regarding BPNT, the Director General of PFM informs that currently the Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs Regulation (Permensos) is being drafted regarding supply managers, so that suppliers who will supply food in e-warong have clear standards and are uniformly regulated throughout Indonesia.
"Besides that, the Cortex and Social Assistance of Food Social Assistance are no longer allowed to become food suppliers for e-warong, because what has happened so far has caused disharmony between one facilitator and another companion," explained the Director General of PFM.