MEDAN (21 November 2019) - Head of the Social Rehabilitation Center for People with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (BRSODH) "Bahagia" in Medan, Sri Wibowo opened as well as gave directions in the Social Assistance Technical Guidance activity for PLWHA at Rasa Bunda Resto, Medan.

In his direction Sri Wibowo stated that Center needs a model of social assistance for PLWHA related to social advocacy, where the scope of social advocacy will be carried out.

First, social advocacy carried out by social assistants in order to fulfill the rights of PLWHA related to service and health aspects. Second, advocacy in government and non-government institutions, where people living with HIV / AIDS can be referred to the Center to get services at the Balai or elsewhere. Finally, advocacy towards families and communities, where PLWHA are assisted when they are in the community so that they no longer receive stigma and discrimination.

According to Wibowo, when talking about the issue of stigma and discrimination, it is the work of all lines / agencies because it turns out that in reality there are still many stigma in society. Therefore, it is hoped that there will be programs that can be implemented to alleviate stigma and discrimination.

Moreover, this is in accordance with the Progress 5.0 NP policy which has a component of Assistance, Therapy, Social Care and Family Support.

Also attending this activity were representatives from the Medan City Social Service, the North Sumatra Provincial Health Office, the Medan City Health Office, the Medan City AIDS Commission (KPA), the Medan Plus Foundation, the Galatea Foundation, Medan Caring Women (P3M), Legal Aid Institutions Medan City and Yabes Foundation.

Through this activity, it is hoped that all relevant stakeholders can work together and participate in efforts to eradicate the stigma and discrimination that is still very strong against PLHIV in society.