DENPASAR (November 14, 2019) - Director General of Social Rehabilitation of the Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs Edi Suharto in his presentation said that the Ministry of Social Affairs has four strategic business cores, namely the Family Hope Program (PKH) from the Directorate of Social Protection and Security, Non-Cash Food Assistance (BPNT) from the Directorate General of Poverty Handling, Social Rehabilitation Program 5 New Platform Clusters (Progress 5.0 NP), and Joint Business Group (KUBE) from the Directorate General of Social Empowerment.
For the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation, Progress 5.0 NP is the answer to the needs of social rehabilitation in 5 clusters in Indonesia. Starting from the cluster of Children, Persons with Disabilities, Drug Abuse Victims, Social Disabilities and Trafficking Victims, and the Elderly. This policy provides 4 main menus in all clusters, namely Assistance with Purpose (BanTu), Therapy, Social Care, and Family Support.
Edi Suharto said that as a companion, it is necessary to have soft skills. "Assistants must have soft skills that are 'CARE', namely Connection, Assertive, Rational and Environment," said Edi. This is important to have so that the implementation of mentoring tasks can be optimal. In addition, it is also necessary to exchange information between PKH Facilitators and Social Rehabilitation Facilitators to strengthen their role in serving Social Welfare Services Recipients (PPKS). "Please, PKH Facilitators and Social Rehabilitation Facilitators work together in serving the Social Welfare Service Recipients (PPKS). They can exchange information and share tricks of handling PPKS in several cases," concluded Edi.
The PKH HR Improvement Workshop was attended by 350 participants from the Social Service, Regional Coordinators, District / City Coordinators, PKH Supervisors and Social Assistants from Yogyakarta Province and District / City, Central Java, East Java, Bali, NTB and NTT. This activity took place from 13-16 November 2019 at the 100 Sunset Ballroom Hotel, Bali.
It is hoped that this activity will be able to realize an action plan for improving social welfare services in the function of care and education, economy, and health behavior of Beneficiary Families.