MEDAN (November 20, 2019) - The Social Rehabilitation Center for People With Human Immunodeficiency Virus (BRSODH) "Bahagia" in Medan carried out practical skills activities which were held at the Anti Stigma and Discrimination Movement Coffee Shop (GrAtiS).
The activity which was held on 19 and 20 November 2019 is a form of livelihood therapy which aims to increase self-confidence, motivate and increase the independence of TBS Beneficiaries for 2 weeks.
Beneficiaries of TBS for 2 weeks are Social Welfare Service Recipients (PPKS) who have recently been infected and need crisis intervention, assistance and strengthening, both from Social Workers, Psychologists and Doctors.
The practical skills provided are in the form of making pudding which is a popular snack as a complement to the main food guided by an instructor who has a business in the culinary field and also making handicrafts guided by an instructor who is a student majoring in Fine Arts from Medan State University, Aidil Prasetyo.
In addition to practical skills, 2
weeks of PM TBS are also given Intervention Therapies in the form of individual
social therapy, mental spiritual therapy, mental psychological therapy,
physical therapy, recreational therapy, music therapy, and health services
which are the implementation of the 5.0 NP Progress.