MAKASSAR (February 13, 2020) - Director General of Social Rehabilitation Edi Suharto accompanied by Secretary of the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation Idit Supriadi Priatna, Director of Social Rehabilitation for the Elderly (Dit. RSLU), Andi Hanindito, Director of Social Rehabilitation of Drug Abuse Victims (Dit. BRSKPN), and Head BRSPDF "Wirajaya" Makasar Saeful, Head of BRSAMPK "Toddopuli" Christin Junus, Head of BRSLU "Gau Mabaji" Syam Suryani, Head of LRODH "Pangurangi" Nur Alamsyah gave material in the Narcotics Addiction Social Worker Training.

Edi said that the efforts that have been made by the Ministry of Social Affairs in the social rehabilitation of drug abuse are social rehabilitation through Mandatory Report Recipient Institution (IPWL), building IPWL, recruiting human resources executing, building Information and Education Center for Drugs, productive economic business assistance for IPWL and for post-social rehabilitation clients.

All IPWLs must implement Progress 5.0 which includes holistic, systematic, standardized to develop the social functions of People Needing Social Welfare Services (PPKS) so that they can return to the community, added Edi.

The number of participants was 30 people from Social Worker Recipient Institution for Reporting (IPWL) and the Social Worker Service Unit for Addiction (Sakti Peksos) in the area of ​​the Regional Center for Social Welfare Education and Training (BBPKS) 5 Sulawesi.