YOGYAKARTA (October 16th, 2019) - Located at Cavinton Hotel Yogyakarta, Center for Research and Development of Social Welfare Services (B2P3KS) Ministry of Social Affairs Republic of Indonesia held "The 1st International Seminar On Link and Match Between Social Protection Programs in the Frame of Social Impacts Analysis".

The activity presented speakers from four countries namely Indonesia (Kurnia Nur Fitriana from the Faculty of Social Sciences, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta Dr. Bagus Santoso from DEFINIT, Prof. Dr. Gunawan from the Faculty of Economics and Business and Prof. Dr. Janianton Damanik from the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Gadjah Mada University) Japan (Dr. Osuke Komazawa from ERIA), Malaysia (Prof. Dr. Sharifah Norazizan Syed Rashid from Putra Malaysia University, Mr. Abdul Halil Omar from Malaysia's LPPKN, and Mr. Irdez Azhar from IIF) and Gambia (Ebrahim Jonga, student from Gambia).

The seminar was also attended by Deputy Langkat Regent, Head of Langkat Regency Social Service, Mr Rimun Wibowo from LPM Equator, representatives of DIY Social Services Agency, Head of SMK Negeri 6 Ambon, head of SMK Negeri 7 Surakarta, Mahisa Agni Gunung Kidul Vocational School, MKP lecturers and PSDK UGM Social Sciences Faculty, Himpenindo Researchers, and postgraduate students.

On the occasion, three cooperation agreements were signed in the framework of social impact analysis, which are between B2P3KS with the Langkat Regency Social Service, the Public Administration Department of the Social Sciences Faculty of Yogyakarta State University, and SMK Negeri 6 Ambon