Minister Risma Shares Key Success for PWDs Entrepreneurship

Minister Risma Shares Key Success for PWDs Entrepreneurship
Writer :
Dian Catur Prasetyaningtyas Kurniawati
Translator :
Laili Hariroh

BANDUNG BARAT (2 July 2024) – Social Affairs Minister Tri Rismaharini has a strong concern for persons with disabilities (PWDs). Minister Risma does not want those with disabilities to be consumed by their limitations but rather to advance and succeed, even surpassing those without disabilities.

"Everyone can succeed, and so can you.  Success does not depend on your parents or others, but rather on yourselves,” Minister Risma told PWDs running Gerai Pena stalls in Bale Lembang on Monday (1/7). Minister Risma also attended the roadshow of Nusantara Economic Hero for Youth Beneficiaries (PENA Muda) of Greater Bandung at the Social Welfare Education and Training Center (BBPPKS) in Bandung.

Minister Risma emphasized that tenacity and determination are the most crucial qualities in entrepreneurship. "If you fail or fall, get back up. Do not give up easily," she encouraged them. Minister Risma, on the other hand, not only provided motivation but also specific product ideas to help PWDs create enterprises. For example, she proposed that individuals in charge of the bamboo tumbler industry develop by producing bamboo cups and mugs. 

Additionally, the minister talked with a maker of kue balok (a traditional Indonesian cake). She advised that the size of the kue balok should not be too large and that the toppings should not be too excessive to balance the flavor. "The size shouldn't be too big, and the taste shouldn't be too sweet because too much can be uncomfortable for the stomach," said Minister Risma.

The Minister praised disabled painters' amazing work. However, she urged that the paintings not be too enormous and that the pictures' angles be more diverse to give customers more options. Minister Risma even sat on the floor to photograph a blossom, demonstrating an intriguing painting angle.

According to Minister Risma, the keys to successful entrepreneurship are not just tenacity and determination, but also ongoing invention and originality in new ventures. Furthermore, understanding consumer preferences and demands is critical for making items appealing to them.

After giving new ideas, Minister Risma took the time to chat and take photos with the PWDs who run their stalls at Gerai PENA Bale Lembang. Their cheeks were lit up with excitement as they received Minister Risma's attention.

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