BANDAR LAMPUNG (30 September 2021) - The Ministry of Social
Affairs continues to provide Social Rehabilitation Assistance (ATENSI). This
time ATENSI was symbolically handed over by Member of Commission VIII of the
House of Representatives (DPR), I Komang Koheri at PSBR Bandar Lampung with total assistance of Rp.961,561,585,-.
Some areas that received
ATENSI's support were Bandar Lampung City, Tanggamus, Prengsewu, West Coast,
Pesawaran, Metro City, East Lampung, and West Lampung.
The beneficiaries consist
of Children, the Elderly, Victims of Drug Abuse as well as Persons with Social Deviance
Issues, and Victims of Trafficking in Persons.
I Komang Koheri also gives
motivation and strength to orphans, fatherless and motherless to keep their
spirits up, keep learning, and hopefully they can achieve success, he explained.
This ATENSI support
consists of accessibility assistance for 149 beneficiaries, entrepreneurship
assistance for 165 beneficiaries, basic needs assistance for 51 beneficiaries, and
assistance for 628 orphans.
Accessibility assistance is provided in the form of a tricycle motorbike and a tripod, and a medical
wheelchair, armpit crutches, a walking stick, and an elbow cane. Then
entrepreneurial assistance in the form of sewing equipment, cloning stalls,
selling ice, credit, fried foods, LPG, snacks, basic food stalls, meatballs,
goat, catfish, chicken, and goat farming businesses, as well as basic needs
assistance provided in the form of basic and daily necessities.
Furthermore, assisting orphans whose parents died due to Covid-19 in the form of a
savings account worth Rp. 200 thousand/month for school-age children and Rp300
thousand per month for children who are not yet in school.
This ATENSI assistance is
managed by social rehabilitation centers, namely, the "Inten Soeweno"
Bogor Center, Surakarta "Soeharso" Center, Bogor
"Ciungwanara" Center, Bandung "Wyata Guna" Center, Bengkulu
"Dharma Guna" Center, " Panasea" Center, and
"Melati" Center of Jakarta,
Lutfi (9 years), the
beneficiary who is still in grade 4, expressed his pleasure in getting
attention from the government. "Papa ordered that I can take care of his
mother and sister, also ordered that Lutfi could be circumcised immediately and
continue his education at the Islamic Boarding School," explained Lutfi.