Ministry of Social Affairs Prioritizing The Family Hope Program is Right on Target

Ministry of Social Affairs Prioritizing The Family Hope Program is Right on Target
Writer :
Alif Mufida Ulya
Editor :
Alek Triyono; Annisa YH
Translator :
Fazalika Salmiati F; Karlina Irsalyana

JAKARTA (February 10, 2020) - In 2020, the Ministry of Social Affairs allocated a budget of IDR 31.38 trillion for Family Hope Program (PKH) and disaster handling, the budget was allocated to the Directorate General of Social Protection and Security (Ditjen Linjamsos).

"Of the total budget, IDR 30.94 trillion or 98.62 percent was allocated for PKH, while IDR. 272.93 billion for natural disasters and IDR. 105.2 billion for social disasters," said Director General of Social Protection and Security, Harry Hikmat at the Meeting. Hearing (RDP) with The House of Representatives of Republic Indonesia (DPR RI) Commission VIII, Monday (10/2).

Harry revealed that PKH's goal is not only to improve access, but also to increase community income.

"As for the handling of refugees, it is not only given to victims of natural disasters, but also victims of social disasters such as riots and fires," said Harry.

So, he continued, so far PKH has been known to reduce the burden of spending and improve access to health and education services.

"However, in the current era, efforts have been made to increase income. As for natural disasters or social disasters, the Ministry of Social Affairs is here to ease their expenses," said Harry.

In front of Commission VIII DPR RI, Harry explained that PKH's targets are underprivileged families that have a health component with the categories of pregnant women and early childhood, an education component with the category of families having elementary, junior and high school children or equivalent, and a social welfare component with the category of families with severe disabilities and elderly people over 70 years of age.

"In 2020, the number of PKH recipients in the category of pregnant women is 137 thousand people with a maximum of 2 pregnancies, 3.15 million early childhood people, 12.71 million school children, 105 thousand people with severe disabilities, and the elderly. as many as 1.03 million people, "said the Director General.

The Director General emphasized that PKH assistance is provided in accordance with the expenditure burden of each Beneficiaries Family (KPM). Each family is entitled to a maximum of four people according to the components they have.

In this case, the Ministry of Social Affairs also increased the index of assistance for pregnant women and early childhood as a form of contribution to the stunting reduction program.

"Technically, in the 2020 Linjamsos program, we focus on the impact of PKH to be able to contribute to reducing the number of malnutrition and stunting. One of them is increasing the index for the component of assistance to pregnant women and early childhood from 2.4 million to 3 million. "he explained.

In addition, Harry also emphasized that this year's PKH prioritized for disadvantaged, remote and border areas.

On that occasion, Harry also described the trend of poverty which continued to decline from the original 9.66% in September 2018 to 9.22% in September 2019. This (trend) decreased by 0.44% or equivalent to 880 thousand families. has been declared to have increased the standard of living and welfare.

"This (percentage) will later be related to the achievement of the KPM PKH graduation which has reached more than 700 thousand, which indicates that the PKH graduation has greatly contributed to reducing the poverty rate," said Harry.

The development of the KPM PKH graduation continues to increase from year to year. In 2017, as many as 87,543 KPM had declared themselves graduating from PKH. This number jumped in 2018 as many as 621,789 KPM had graduated.

"Then, in 2019 the number of KPM graduations has increased again by 784,209 and in 2020 we are targeting as many as 1 million KPM to have been integrated from PKH", said Harry.

Harry conveyed that the accelerated graduation must be followed by steps or breakthroughs that social assistance (bansos) is not given forever, but there are efforts to connect it with empowerment programs when KPM has shown a better level of welfare.

"This program can be through the Joint Business Group (KUBE) and Entrepreneurship, or in the form of providing soft loan business capital through Ultra Micro Credit (UMI), Fostering a Prosperous Family (Mekaar), People's Business Credit (KUR), or through other empowerment programs. "said Harry.

In the future, he added, PKH strengthening strategies and targeted efforts will continue, especially the graduation strategy system to ensure the graduation scheme strategy can match the PKH graduation that will be obtained in the form of empowerment schemes.

"Currently, e-PKH with existing features can be based on a web service so that it is in line with the New Generation Social Welfare Information System (SIKS NG) and there is no longer a dual system," he said.

e-PKH is a subsystem of SIKS-NG which is managed as a backbone system in the Ministry of Social Affairs.

"e-PKH will support verification and validation (verivali) to updating, for at least 10 million KPM, and it can be integrated directly. So, it is not only the source of SIKS-NG targeting data, but also the results of program intervention that have been updated. with e-PKH, it can also be used as feedback for updating existing Integrated Database (BDT) in SIKS-NG, "he explained.

Meanwhile, for disasters, he continued, the government also pays attention to the survival of the affected victims and those left behind.

"Assistance for victims of natural disasters and social disasters, not only includes logistical assistance, but also compensation for victims who die, which is given to the heirs worth Rp. 15 million after verification," he said.

Meanwhile, for the future orientation, Harry said that the Directorate General of Social Protection and Security is aimed at developing a comprehensive and adaptive social protection system, as well as implementing bureaucratic reform.

After listening to the explanation from the Director General of Social Protection and Security, Commission VIII of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia gave his appreciation to the Directorate General of Social Protection and Security about the targets also the budget programs and admitted that he was ready to fully support the budget.

Commission VIII DPR RI emphasized the importance of program targeting accuracy, updating of Integrated Social Welfare Data (DTKS), and integration of e-PKH with SIKS-NG.

Deputy Chairman of Commission VIII DPR RI, TB Ace Hasan Syadzily also supports the synergy of PKH social assistance with empowerment through KUBE, Entrepreneurship, Mekaar and KUR.

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