MoSA Prepares "Omnibus Law" Strengthens Social Welfare Development

MoSA Prepares "Omnibus Law" Strengthens Social Welfare Development
Writer :
Koesworo Setiawan
Translator :
Putri D

JAKARTA (January 13, 2020) - The Ministry of Social Affairs continues to encourage regulatory arrangements with the aim of immediately providing reinforcement to the role of social workers.


One important step now underway is to simplify 420 social ministerial regulations to 100 regulations, or some kind of omnibus law for regulations in the field of social welfare. The simplified regulation is a regulation from 1955 to 2019.


This topic was raised in the discussion of the Minister of Social Affairs Juliari P Batubara with the delegation of the Indonesian Consortium for Social Work (KPSI) in the Meeting Room, Floor 11, in Jakarta, Monday (01/13/2020).


"I ask for a simplification of the regulation of the Minister of Social Affairs. So, the regulation on social work will become a kind of omnibus law. Thus, service to the community will be faster and maximum," said the Minister on the occasion.


The drafting of this regulation also includes a Social Minister's Regulation that is being prepared for the implementation of Law number 14/2019 on Social Work.


In this regard, the Ministry of Social Affairs Legal Bureau is currently working intensively to inventory more than 420 Social Minister's Regulation to be simplified. "I ask that only 100 Social Minister's Regulation will be left behind," said the Minister.


Simplifying this regulation is expected to increase the effectiveness of services provided by social workers following the issuance of Law no. 14 in 2019. To implement the provisions in this law, supporting regulations are needed, including Social Minister's Regulation.


This step is to ensure that the remaining regulations can really strengthen and support the performance of social workers. "So, there must be no regulations in which there are provisions which make it difficult for us," said the Secretary General.


In addition to regulation, another topic discussed at this meeting - still in the context of strengthening the role of social workers, is the acceleration of the construction of the new campus of the Social Welfare Polytechnic (Poltekesos) Bandung. The construction of the new campus is closely related to the availability of facilities and infrastructure for the formation of social work human resources required by law.


Secretary General Hartono Laras stated, in the meeting, KPSI, which was present with 15 pillars below, expressed great hopes that the steps above could be realized immediately. KPSI hopes the Ministry of Social Affairs will also provide infrastructure in the form of the construction of the Bandung Poltekesos campus.


Also, in line with the issuance of Law No. 14/2019 is a recognition of the social work profession. As a consequence, said the Secretary General, a training facility for the profession is needed, in this case a representative campus.


According to Hartono, Juliari welcomed KPSI's hopes. To encourage this expectation, he ordered the Education, Research and Social Counseling Agency to play an active role, especially through the Centre for Professional Development (Pusbangprof).


"Next, Juliari wants a nursery pattern from the development of the Polteksos campus. So, it's like official schools, "said Hartono. In this audience, KPSI Chairperson Toto Utomo Budi Santoso was present with leaders from 15 KPSI pillars.


Public Relations Bureau

Ministry of Social Affairs

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