ACEH BESAR (September 2, 2021) - Minister of Social Affairs, Tri Rismaharini made a working visit to Aceh Province in order to match data on the distribution of Family Hope Program (PKH) and Non-Cash Food Assistance (BPNT) social assistance, Thursday (2/9).

Together with the local government, the channeling bank, PT. Pos, as well as PKH and BPNT social assistance companions, the Minister of Social Affairs evaluated the distribution of PKH and BPNT social assistance in Aceh Province, some of which were constrained because the recipients had not been vaccinated.
"Yes, Alhamdulillah, actually it's better here. Only because there are geographical constraints, if I see it, the Heads of Office are relatively master of the problems with the data. In fact, they are ready to separate the feasible and the unworthy," said the Minister of Social Affairs.

The Minister conveyed that vaccines are mandatory for all of us. "Because if we don't get vaccinated, other people will get it, everyone can be infected. So, (vaccine) is mandatory! However, I ask  that (vaccination) is not a prerequisite (for KPM who want to disburse the social assistance)," she added.
Responding to this problem, Risma suggested that the disbursement of the social assistance could be carried out simultaneously with vaccination so that the beneficiaries could still get their rights without exception.

"If the processs can be parallel (receiving assistance, as well as vaccines), we are also happy. However, if later they cannot receive assistance because cannot show a vaccine certificate even though they needs it (the assistance) and there is no schedule for the vaccine, it's a pity," said Risma.