GARUT (November 11, 2021) - Flash floods hit the Sukaresmi sub-district, Garut Regency on Saturday (6/11), at around 16.30 WIB.
Based on the information gathered, the flash floods that occurred in two villages, namely Pelag and Cilegong, Sukalilah Village, Sukaresmi District, caused 1 house to be heavily damaged, 1 moderately damaged, and 3 lightly damaged, and the bridge was cut off. The victims who were directly affected were 8 families or 21 people.
In response to the incident, the Ministry of Social Affairs distributed assistance in the form of 5 red rolled tents, 10 mattresses, 10 packages of children's food, 10 packages of kids ware, 5 packages of foodware, 2 packages of mattresses, 5 packages of family kitchen utensils, and 4 packages of children's toys.
Alif Mufida Ulya (OHH Ditjen Linjamsos)
Intan Qonita N
Intan Qonita N