PEKANBARU (August 31, 2021) - Minister of Social Affairs, Tri Rismaharini made a working visit to Riau Province to reconcile the distribution of Family Hope Program (PKH), Non-Cash Food Assistance (BPNT) and Cash Social Assistance (BST) program for Pekanbaru City, Rokan Hulu Regency, Pelalawan Regency, Kampar Regency, and Indragiri Hilir Regency in 2021, Tuesday (31/8).

Together with the PKH Companion, the channeling bank, the Post, and the Head of the Social Office for each region, the Minister of Social Affairs evaluated the process of distributing social assistance in Riau Province, the majority of which were constrained by geographical conditions, resulting in a number of social assistance being not distributed to Family Beneficiaries (KPM), especially in difficult areas and islands.

In response, according to Risma, in the future she will apply regulations on the distribution of social assistance using a geographical/regional approach for KPM in areas that are difficult to reach, especially islands, so that KPM can still get their rights without burdening them.

"For example, like two islands in one sub-district, later the distribution will use a geographical approach, not an administrative approach. So, KPM doesn't have to pay for transportation, including avoiding dangers on the way," she explained in his distinctive tone of voice.

Also attending the reconciliation were members of Commission VIII of DPR RI, H. Achmad, and Deputy Chairman of the Riau Provincial DPRD, Syafaruddin Poti, as well as related Echelon I and II officials within the Ministry of Social Affairs.