PKH HR are Demanded to Improve Strategy to Pursue Graduation Targets

PKH HR are Demanded to Improve Strategy to Pursue Graduation Targets
Writer :
Joko Hariyanto
Editor :
Intan Qonita N
Translator :
Dewi Purbaningrum; Karlina Irsalyana

BOGOR (August 6, 2020) - The Ministry of Social Affairs (Kemensos) asked the Human Resources (HR) of the Family Hope Program (PKH) to be serious about pursuing the graduation target in the context of poverty alleviation. This was conveyed by the Director General of Social Protection and Security, Pepen Nazaruddin in a PKH HR meeting throughout Bogor Regency, Thursday (6/8).

Pepen said the Bogor Regency PKH HR must be able to deliver 10 percent of the Beneficiary Families (KPM) they accompany so that they quickly graduate social assistance or resign from the recipients or get out of pre-prosperous conditions.

"You must have a strategy in carrying out your duties so that the graduation target can be achieved," said Pepen.

The strategy that can be carried out by PKH HR in increasing the KPM graduation, he said, can be done through collaboration with local governments and informal agencies such as entrepreneurs in the environment where they work.

"PKH HR must be able to recognize the ins and outs of the environment in which they work, and must be able to identify which parties can be invited to work together to improve KPM independent graduation," he added.

Data from the Ministry of Social Affairs noted that as many as 131,000 families in Bogor Regency received PKH assistance. "From this data, Bogor Regency PKH HR must be able to graduate at least 10 percent," said Pepen.

Meanwhile, the Secretary of the Bogor Regency Social Service, Yanti Gunayanti, added that PKH was sufficient to help the Bogor Regency Government (Pemkab) program in alleviating poverty.

Moreover, he said, the impact of the Corona or COVID-19 pandemic, the poverty rate in Bogor Regency increased quite sharply. As of July 2020, the poverty rate on Earth for the Faithful has reached 9.6 percent. Previously, the poverty rate in Bogor district reached 6.6 percent.

"We, together with the Bogor Regency PKH HR, will work hard so that empty quota of KPM PKH graduates can be filled by other poor people," he concluded.

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