Reach out 1.2 Million Families, the Target of Family Beneficiaries of Family Hope Program Graduation on 2019 is Exceeded

Reach out 1.2 Million Families, the Target of Family Beneficiaries of Family Hope Program Graduation on 2019 is Exceeded
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Yusuf Andika; Karlina Irsalyana

MANADO (19 November 2019) – Until November on 2019, the Ministry of Social Affairs noted that as many as 1,2 million Family Beneficiaries of Family Hope Program had graduated. This achievement meant that it exceeded the target, which had been declared that 800.0000 Family Beneficiaries of Family Hope Program Graduated until the end of 2019.

The Social Affairs Minister Juliari P. Batubara stated that this showed on the positive impact of social assistance of Family Hope Program and Non-Cash Food Assistance (BPNT) on reducing the poverty. “It’s been proven that the social assistance program, both for Family Hope Program or Non-Cash Food Assistance has big contribution toward the reduction of poverty number,” said the Minister, in his work visit on Manado, North Sulawesi Province, Tuesday (19/11/2019).

The Minister has done the official visit to Manado since yesterday. The Minister also visited the Social Rehabilitation Center for Visual Sensory Disabilities (BRSPDSN) “Tomou Tou”. He observed the facilities and services, also greets the person who need the service.

Today, the Social Affairs Minister attended in the Social Welfare District Officers (TKSK) event. After that, the Minister opened the “Self-Graduation and Family Gathering of Family Beneficiaries of Family Hope Program on North Sulawesi Province”.

The Director General of Social Rehabilitation Edi Suharto, Director General of Social Empowerment Pepen Nazaruddin, Director General of Social Protection and Security Harry Hikmat, structural and functional official was accompanied the Minister. There was the Governor of North Sulawesi Olly Dondokambey and his arrays attended in the event.

Next, the Minister pointed out that, besides Family Hope Program contribution, this achievement was the result of all stakeholder’s contribution including the local government. “Graduation on the beneficiaries of Family Hope Program is hoped to become the inspiration for the other Family beneficiaries to graduate from the program,” said the Minister.

The Director General Harry Hikmat stated that, on the Family Hope Program, the Family Beneficiaries also been pushed to improve the economic productivity and capacity. This was done through the Family Skill Improvement Meeting (P2K2) which been done routinely by the companion.

“One of the given modules is the economy module which explains on the family budget management, borrow and save carefully, using the bank’s facility and start a business,” Harry said.

The synergy between the Ministry of Social Affairs and Ministry of Industry was to encourage the Family Beneficiaries to become new independent entrepreneur by providing facilities such as entrepreneur training and production technical guidance, business legality, equipment, digital-based market development, and also provided access toward budget source.

In the current time, several family beneficiaries have marketed their product by using the Fintech Marketing through Go Food, Tokopedia, Bukalapak,” Harry said. In the last 5 years (2015-2019), it has been noted that 1.742.917 beneficiaries had been graduated.

On the other side, the Minister Juliari pushed the potency which available in the MoSA, such as Social Welfare District Officers (TKSK) as the front-line man for the social welfare management on the local area, so they could contribute to reduce the poverty.

“Including on the North Sulawesi. I believe that the North Sulawesi Province have already on the right way to reduce the poverty,” said the Minister. He hoped that as the organic volunteer which appeared in every district in amount of 7.201 persons, the spirit of selfless volunteer would be owned by Social Welfare District Officers.

“As the spearhead in helping the government, I believe that Social Welfare District Officers will be able to manage the social problems in the public, and adjust the information speed demand based on digital,” said the Minister.

The poverty number on North Sulawesi on March 2019 was 2,99% which is the lowest around Sulawesi, even it was lower than the national poverty which was 9,41%. There were 191.700 persons in Sulawesi that had a pre-welfare life. Family Hope Program in North Sulawesi until phase IV had reached 92.364 families.

The Social Assistance for Family Hope Program on 2019, which been distributed to the North Sulawesi Province was worth IDR323.435.200.000. For Assistance phase 4 that had distributed 100%, as many as 99% of the beneficiaries had got the assistance.

Acting Head of Public Relations Bureau
The Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs
Sonny W Manalu

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