BANDUNG (26 Agustus 2024) – Kementerian Sosial libatkan Kementerian Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional/Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional Republik Indonesia dan Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jawa Timur dalam penyusunan draf rancangan awal Rencana Strategis (Renstra) Kemensos period...
Pasir Biru adalah salah satu desa dari 10 desa yang ada di kecamatan Rancakalong, Kabupaten Sumedang, Jawa Barat.Di desa ini masih ditemukan tata kelola alam, pengelolaan pertanian (sawah) secara tradisional. Kearifan budaya masih kental seperti dalam pengelolaan air, perlakuan terhadap tanaman, dan...
BEKASI (March 20th) – Ministry of Social Affairs (MoSA) held an important role in social transformation focusing on poverty eradication, and adaptive and integrated social protection. To establish this, Planning Bureau of MoSA held a cross-meeting between Echelon I work units in MoSA on the Coor...
JAKARTA (22 January 2024) - Social Welfare Education, Training and Profession Development Center (Pusdiklatbangprof) held Training for PENA Companion and Work Partner which started on Monday (January 22nd). The event was opened by the Head of Social Welfare Education, Training and Prof...
Bandung (28 Desember 2023) - Pada peringatan Hari Disabilitas Internasional dan Hari Kesetiakawanan Sosial Nasional tahun 2023, Kemensos RI menggelar program operasi katarak sebagai komitmen nyata untuk meningkatkan kualitas hidup penyandang disabilitas. Program ini, diimplementasikan di berbagai sa...
Bekasi (18 Desember 2023) - Sebanyak sembilan satuan kerja (satker) Kementerian Sosial menerima penghargaan pada peringatan Hari Anti-Korupsi Sedunia (Hakordia) 2023 yang digelar oleh Inspektorat Jenderal di Sentra Terpadu Pangudi Luhur Bekasi pada Senin (18/12). Plt. Sekretaris Jenderal Robben Rico...
JAKARTA (6 Desember 2023) - Pusat Pendidikan, Pelatihan dan Pengembangan Profesi Pekerja Sosial dan Penyuluh Sosial (Pusdiklatbangprof) berkolaborasi dengan Biro Hukum melaksanakan kegiatan Rapat Harmonisasi Rancangan Peraturan Menteri Pendayagunaan Aparatur Negara dan Reformasi Birokrasi tentang Ja...
Cianjur (15 Oktober 2023) - Persoalan penyandang disabilitas di Indonesia masih merupakan persoalan yang membutuhkan penanganan segera. Politeknik Kesejahteraan Sosial sebagai perguruan tinggi kedinasan Kementerian Sosial turut merespon sebagai tanggung jawab dari Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi. ...
JAKARTA (12 Oktober 2023) - Kementerian Sosial memperoleh anugerah sebagai Anggota JDIH Terbaik IV Tahun 2023 Tingkat Kementerian dalam pengelolaan Jaringan Dokumentasi dan Informasi Hukum pada kegiatan Pertemuan Nasional JDIHN & LDCC Award Tahun 2023 yang diselenggarakan oleh Kementerian H...
Karanganyar (September 18th, 2023) – Ministry of Social Affairs through Yogyakarta Social Welfare Education and Training Center distributes social service assistance for 93 persons in need of social welfare (PPKS) in Karanganyar Regency.The Head of Yogyakarta Social Welfare Education and Training Ce...
JAKARTA (12 September 2023) - Ministry of Social Affairs through the Center for Education, Training and Professional Development (Pusdiklatbangprof) is carrying out the Competency Test for the Functional Position of Social Counselor Batch 3 of 2023. There is something special about holding the compe...
Bandung (12 September 2023) - Responding to the dynamics of development and variations in social problems, in-depth analysis and studies are needed to solve and resolve these social problems. A study is needed that is complete both scientifically and empirically.Ministry of Social Affairs is entrust...
Monday (September 11th, 2023) - Commission VIII of the House of Representative conducted a specific work visit in order to supervise Family Hope Program social assistance distribution, Basic Food program, and Disaster Management Assistance in Yogyakarta. In the visit, Ministry of Social Affairs ...
NORTH LUWU (25 August 2023) – Accelerating the distribution of aid to vulnerable groups, namely persons with disabilities, continues to be carried out so that they are empowered and feel the presence of the state in society. The Ministry of Social Affairs through the Social Welfare Education...
WONOSOBO (25 August 2023) - Ministry of Social Affairs, through Yogyakarta Center for Social Welfare Education and Training, distributed social service assistance to 114 Social Welfare Services for Persons in Need (PPKS) with disabilities in Wonosobo Regency. Head of BBPPKS Yogyakarta, Ev...
Malang (1 August 2023) - Bandung Social Welfare Polytechnic (Poltekesos) contingent succeeded in recording brilliant achievements at the 2023 Archipelago Arts Festival (FSN). In this prestigious event attended by 21 official universities throughout Indonesia, Poltekesos Bandung got two prestigious a...
Bandung (6 Juli 2023) - Mewakili Direktur, Wakil Direktur bidang Akademik menghadiri Kegiatan Penjangkauan Multilayanan Sosial Poltekesos Bandung. Kegiatan tersebut merupakan pelaksanaan kegiatan pelayanan sosial tahun 2023 Politeknik Kesejahteraan Sosial (Poltekesos) Bandung dengan sasaran terbag...
WEST BEKASI (June 9, 2023) - Social Welfare Polytechnic (Poltekesos) Bandung has carried out Regular Community Service Activities for the Social Entrepreneurship Service Unit in Kertarahayu Village, Setu District, West Bekasi Regency on Thursday (09/06). This activity aims to support the devel...
BEKASI (June 7, 2023) - Community Service Center of the Social Welfare Polytechnic (Poltekesos) Bandung conducted Excellent Community Service (PMU) activities for the Social Rehabilitation Study Program at the Al Fajar Berseri Social Welfare Institution (LKS) Al Fajar Berseri, Bekasi City, Monday (0...
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