Watunas "Mulya Jaya" BRS Receives Referral of Human Trafficking Victims

  • Watunas "Mulya Jaya" BRS Receives Referral of Human Trafficking Victims
  • 15702312524866

Writer :
Humas BRS Watunas "Mulya Jaya"
Editor :
Intan Qonita N
Translator :
Alika Sandra; Karlina Irsalyana

JAKARTA (October 4th, 2019) – Head of Watunas "Mulya Jaya" Social Rehabilitation Center, Juena SItepu receives Referral of Human Trafficking Victims from Republic of Indonesia National Police Criminal Detective Agency. There are seven women victims and will receive further social rehabilitation services in BRS.

In handling this case, Watunas "Mulya Jaya" Social Rehabilitation Center will collaborate with Police Criminal Detective Agency in conducting investigations through in-depth assessments by Professional Social Workers.

The seven victims have been registered. They have also been given information about the program that will be undertaken while in Watunas "Mulya Jaya" Social Rehabilitation Center Jakarta.

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