Director General of Social Protection and Security Ensures the Quality of Distributed Basic Food Assistance

  • Director General of Social Protection and Security Ensures the Quality of Distributed Basic Food Assistance
  • WhatsApp Image 2020-05-29 at 15.52.40

Writer :
Alif Mufida Ulya
Editor :
Alek Triyono; Intan Qonita N
Translator :
Intan Qonita N

BEKASI (May 29, 2020) - The Director General of Social Protection and Security (Linjamsos) of the Ministry of Social Affairs, Pepen Nazaruddin, checks the quality of basic food assistance received by the residents of RW 02 throughout Jaya Village, Rawa Lumbu District, Bekasi City, Friday (29/5).

Pepen urges the residents to immediately return or exchange groceries if they found the basic food assistance has poor product quality.

"If there is a discrepancy (of item), just report it and we will follow up to replace it immediately," said Pepen.

Pepen, who was present with the Secretary of the Directorate General of Social Security, M.O. Royani, said that the items that did not fit were usually found in rice because of its variation.

"First, because there are many suppliers. Second, there are many different qualities of rice, varying in the field. So, we must also maintain that, as long as the rice is in accordance with the qualifications of premium rice," he explained.

However, a different thing was conveyed by one of the residents who received basic food, Sri Mulyati (30), whose basic food assistancewas delivered directly by Pepen to her rented house. The basic food assistance she received is in good condition.

"Alhamdulillah, it's enough. In my opinion, the current one is good, the quality is good. Thank God, there's still rice, there's still enough for the next two weeks to a month," she said.

She also expressed her gratitude for the government, "This is assistance from Mr. President, Mr. Jokowi, which I have received three times, alhamdulillah the assistance is complete and contains rice, instant noodles, oil, thank you for the help," she said.

90% of Residents Have Received Basic Food Assistance Phase 3

Meanwhile, nearly 90 percent of the residents of Panjang Jaya have received the President's basic food assistance in the third out of six stages distributed through the Ministry of Social Affairs.

"I can make sure that the people who really deserve the aid have been reached for assistance and there is no overlapping of recipients," said Head of RW 02, Mansur Hidayat when asked about the percentage of food distribution in his area.

At this stage, he prioritizes residents who have never received any assistance at all. "Those who have never received anything are distributed first, then the other ones are getting double average. On average, those who get the double assistance are the ones who really need it economically," explained Mansur.

He took the mechanism through consultation with residents. "If the incoming basic food items are considered large, there has been an agreement with the recipients that it will be split," he added.

Furthermore, he explained that residents who received basic food assistance for COVID-19 handling were different from the recipients of conditional regular assistance, such as the Family Hope Program (PKH) and Non-Cash Food Assistance (BPNT). Even if it is found that PKH beneficiaries are also registered as recipients of basic food assistance, then Mansur gives choices to the residents concerned.

"They (PKH aid recipients) have been offered an option, if they accept (basic assistance), the consequence will be that the PKH (assistance) will be revoked. If the assistance (basic food) is handed over to other residents or diverted, it means that the PKH (assistance) will continue," he explained.

Because, he said, residents were also given an understanding of the difference between PKH assistance and basic food assistance where PKH assistance is a regular assistance.

"Meanwhile, the basic food assistance (both from the city government and the central government), is only temporary due to COVID-19 so that residents understand and there are no complaints," he concluded.

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