TANGERANG SELATAN (20 Maret 2024) — Dalam rangka Kunjungan Kerja Spesifik (kunsfik) Komisi VIII DPR-RI masa persidangan Il tahun 2023-2024, Kementerian Sosial bersama Komisi VIII DPR RI menyerahkan bantuan kepada Penerima Manfaat (PM) di Tangerang Selatan. Bertempat di Gedung Walikota Tangerang Sela...
JAKARTA (19 Maret 2024) - Komisi VIII DPR RI menggelar Rapat Kerja bersama Menteri Sosial dengan agenda "Evaluasi APBN Tahun 2023 dan Isu-isu Aktual" Masa Persidangan IV Tahun Sidang 2023-2024. “Kami pastikan bantuan sosial yang diberikan pada Penerima Manfaat (PM) itu berdasarkan Data Terpadu Kes...
BEKASI (March 20th) – Ministry of Social Affairs (MoSA) held an important role in social transformation focusing on poverty eradication, and adaptive and integrated social protection. To establish this, Planning Bureau of MoSA held a cross-meeting between Echelon I work units in MoSA on the Coor...
Bogor (March 19th, 2024) – Children with special needs in Inten Soeweno Integrated Center (STIS) in Bogor experienced the school atmosphere. One of the teachers, Fatimah, shared a story of how a school for children with special needs could be built there. “In 2018, we started a school for ch...
MAJALENGKA (18 Maret 2024) - Ibu Rusih (58 th) sudah sejak 30 tahun lalu berjualan lotek kucur untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hidup sehari harinya. Warga Dusun Margamulya RT 01 RW 04 desa Pasir kecamatan Palasah Kabupaten Majalengka ini, sedari pagi sudah mempersiapkan barang dagangannya. Merebus sayura...
KAB. CIREBON (14 Maret 2024) - Dalam rangka Kunjungan Kerja Spesifik Komisi VIII DPR RI masa persidangan II tahun 2023-2024, Kementerian Sosial (Kemensos) bersama Komisi VIII DPR RI menyerahkan bantuan kepada masyarakat di Cirebon, Provinsi Jawa Barat. Berlokasi di Pendopo Bupat...
KAB. BANDUNG (14 Maret 2024) - Kementerian Sosial (Kemensos) bersama Komisi VIII DPR RI melakukan Kunjungan Kerja Spesifik (Kunsfik) Persidangan IV Tahun Sidang 2023-2024 dalam rangka penanggulangan bencana, mengingat Kabupaten Bandung daerah yang paling rawan di Jawa Barat. “Ku...
BANDUNG (10 Maret 2024) - Kemensos melalui Sentra Abiyoso Cimahi serta menggandeng RSAU Salamun, melakukan Kegiatan operasi katarak gratis pada hari Selasa dan Minggu 10 Maret 2024 sebagai tindak lanjut dari arahan Menteri Sosial Tri Rismaharini. Sebanyak 22 orang penerima manfaat mengikuti kegiata...
KOTA GAJAH (9 March 2024) – The Ministry of Social Affairs remains dedicated to enhancing economic empowerment within society, with a particular emphasis on vulnerable groups like victims of trafficking (TPPO). MoSA has provided extensive entrepreneurship assistance to beneficiaries across Indon...
KABANJAHE (9 March 2023) – The joy and personal were seen on the faces of persons with disabilities and elderly persons who got ATENSI assistance of wheelchairs and nutrition.Jeri, one of the recipients of electric wheelchair, finally can move freely without needing other people’s help...
JAKARTA (March 8th, 2024) – One of Ministry of Social Affairs (MoSA) duties was implementing social rehabilitation through Social Rehabilitation Assistance (ATENSI) for the victims of narcotics, psychotropics, and addictive substances (NAPZA). As an effort to save the nation’s generation from th...
JAKARTA (March 8, 2024) - The Ministry of Social Affairs graduated 3,449 beneficiaries of the Nusantara Economic Heroes (PENA) for the February period.Social Affairs Minister Tri Rismaharini at the Aneka Bhakti Building of the Ministry of Social Affairs Jakarta, said that the beneficiaries who were ...
BENGKULU (March 7th, 2024) – Dharma Guna Center in Bengkulu was present at the 2024 Treasury Advisor held by State Treasury Service Office (KPPN) of Bengkulu. Held in KPPN Bengkulu’s Hall, the event was attended by some Proxies of Budget Users (KPA) of work units operated in KPPN Bengkulu’s work...
TEMANGGUNG (6 March 2024) –- After the replication lesson of Baris Ditebas (Barista with Disabilities Breaks Through the Stigma of Limitation) held in Wyata Guna Center in Bandung on Wednesday, February 27th, 2024, was completed, today continues with replication lesson of Care She...
KEBUMEN (6 Maret 2024) — Kementerian Sosial terus berupaya untuk memberikan dukungan serta motivasi kepada para ODHA dan juga keluarga ODHA lewat berbagai bantuan sosial. Melalui Sentra “Satria” di Baturraden yang berkolaborasi dengan Komisi Penanggulangan AIDS (KPA) Kabupaten Kebumen, ...
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