Social Empowerment Program: Make it Simple

Social Empowerment Program: Make it Simple
Writer :
OHH Dayasos
Editor :
OHH Dayasos ; Annisa YH
Translator :
OHH Dayasos

JAKARTA (July 23rd, 2020) - Director General of Social Empowerment Edi Suharto, officially opened the Strategic Planning (Renstra) of the Directorate General of Social Empowerment in 2020 - 2024. The purpose of this activity is to develop a vision, mission, goals, strategies, policies, programs , and development activities, in accordance with the duties and functions based on the National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMNasional) and the Ministry of Social's strategic objectives.

The activity was attended by 30 participants, such as Echelon II Officials, Unit Planners within the Directorate General of Social Empowerment, Echelon III Officers, IV and related staff within the Secretariat of the Directorate General of Social Empowerment, as well as program applicators within the Directorate General of Social Empowerment. The activity will be held for 3 days starting on July 23-25, 2020 at Redtop Hotel & Convention, Pecenongan, Central Jakarta.

In his direction, the Director General of Social Empowerment explained the idea of developing a Social Empowerment policy. Social Empowerment needs to be formulated in a simpler, more focused and measurable concept.

Social empowerment (emPOWERment) is a strategy to increase the "power" of individuals, institutions and communities. The policy of social empowerment at the ministry level needs to be more goal-oriented strategy. Going forward, programs at the Directorate General of Social Empowerment will focus on 4 programs, namely: social entrepreneurship programs (ProKus), empowerment of social pillars, KAT empowerment based on stakeholders (PKAT-Best), and Social Restoration. The concept of a road map for social empowerment must be simpler, more directed and measurable.

"The social empowerment roadmap must be developed with a simple, directed and measurable concept. As well as oriented to the strategy of achieving goals," explained Edi Suharto.

He explained further that the empowerment of social pillars concerning the Puskesos-SLRT, Karang Taruna, District Social Welfare Workers (TKSK), and Community Social Workers (PSM) can be done by holding a technical guidance. After that, they must be able to empower the surrounding community, with the knowledge they have gained from the pillars. These social pillars are as instruments of change. In the Social Restoration program, it refers to strengthening national values, social solidarity, and heroism.

The Puskesos-SLRT and Social Entrepreneurship are some concrete examples of the development of the policy. The Puskesos-SLRT in providing services to the community is very simple. Clear flow and not complicated, and provide solutions to public complaints.

In addition, there are social entrepreneurship programs. The new program, launched in 2020, is targeting KPM PKH Graduasi. In its implementation, the social entrepreneurship program uses the Triple Power model, such as:

1. Nursing Capital - BSiMU - social assistance and business guidance for Beginner Entrepreneurship;
2. Mentoring Model - BSiMU, social assistance and business mentoring for Developing entrepreneurs;
3. Capital Incubation, BSiMU - social assistance and Business incubation for  Advanced Entrepreneur. 

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