36 Paintings of Persons with Disabilities Sold, Minister of Social Affairs Expects Limitations Not an Obstacle to the Achievement 30/12/2022 JAKARTA (December 30, 2022) - Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini opened an auction of paintings by p... More Details
MoSA Releases 50 Tons of Rice Donated by the Business Entities and Benefactors for Cianjur Earthquake 29/12/2022 JAKARTA (December 29th, 2022) - After the end of the emergency response period for Cianjur earthquake on... More Details
Selamatkan Keuangan Negara dari Korupsi Bansos, Mensos Risma Berikan Penghargaan ke Polda Sulawesi Selatan 26/12/2022
Atasi Masalah Sosial Warga Cilincing Jakarta, Mensos Cek Progres Instalasi Air Bersih dan Mesin Olah Limbah Cangkang Kerang 22/12/2022
Minister of Social Affairs Receives an "Inspirational Woman" Award from UIN Syarif Hidayatullah 22/12/2022 SOUTH TANGERANG (December 22nd, 2022) - Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini received an award from... More Details