JAKARTA (March 8th,
2024) – One of Ministry of Social Affairs (MoSA) duties was implementing
social rehabilitation through Social Rehabilitation Assistance (ATENSI) for the
victims of narcotics, psychotropics, and addictive substances (NAPZA). As an effort
to save the nation’s generation from the danger of drugs, MoSA synergized with
all elements of the nation.
“In handling drug abuse victims, MoSA’s duty is not for the medical need, but the rehabilitation,” the Directorate of Social Rehabilitation for Disaster and Emergency Victims Rachmat Koesnadi said in Focus Group Discussion on Evaluation and Resolution on Drug Abuse in Law Enforcement Synergy in Jakarta on Friday (March 8th).
Therefore, synergy and collaboration between government institutions and ministries (K/L) were needed so that the drug abuse victims handling could be done comprehensively.
“Here, the drug abuse victims handling is done through technical implementation units (UPT) of centers and integrated centers throughout Indonesia. Therefore, let's take care of social rehabilitation of drug abuse victims together,” he stated.