WEST BANGKA (November 25, 2021) – The Directorate General Poverty Handling through the Secretariat of the Directorate General of Poverty Handling and the Directorate of Poverty Handling Region I handed over social assistance for the Social Rehabilitation of Uninhabitable Houses (RS Rutilahu) in West Bangka Regency.


Secretary of the Directorate General of Poverty Handling (Sesditjen PFM), Beni Sujanto together with the Deputy Regent of West Bangka, Bong Ming Ming, handed over Social Aid in the form of RS-Rutilahu in West Bangka Regency, Bangka Belitung Islands Province. The activity was carried out at the West Bangka Regent's Office, Belo Laut, Muntok, West Bangka Regency, Bangka Belitung Islands Province.


The Rutilahu Hospital assistance provided in Bangka Belitung was allocated to 50 beneficiaries with details of 25 beneficiaries in West Bangka Regency and 25 beneficiaries in South Bangka Regency. “In Bangka Belitung Province, there are a total of 50 units of RS-Rutilahu, consisting of South Bangka and West Bangka. In West Bangka, there are 25 units, divided into three groups, in 1 group there are 8 or 9 people," said Secretary General of PFM.


The nominal amount of assistance provided by RS-Rutilahu is Rp20 million/beneficiary so that the total assistance provided to 50 beneficiaries in Bangka Belitung is Rp. 1 billion, with allocations in West Bangka and South Bangka each Rp. 500 million. However, the Secretary General of PFM emphasized that the value and spirit of cooperation created by this assistance were important. “The value of 20 million per KPM (beneficiary families) I think is not much, we also feel or judge that it is not enough for a social rehabilitation for a house. However, the value and spirit (gotong royong) are the most important as a result of the 20 million rupiah stimulus," said the Secretary General of PFM.


Furthermore, the Secretary General of PFM explained that the program is not just a matter of building houses, but the values ​​of cooperation in the community can be maintained. "So RS Rutilahu program is not only a matter of building houses but the values ​​of cooperation as the basic values ​​of the Indonesian nation, especially the people in West Bangka Regency, are maintained and these values ​​are increasingly being realized," explained the Secretary General of PFM.


After providing symbolic assistance, the Secretary General of PFM accompanied by representatives of the Social Office of the Province of Bangka Belitung and West Bangka Regency visited Tanjung Laut Village, West Bangka Regency, which is the location for the assistance of RS-Rutilahu. The visit was made to directly observe the condition of the area and to explore the efforts to assist in that location.

Arriving at the location, the Secretary General of PFM immediately met with KPM RS-Rutilahu together with his companions to conduct discussions and dissemination. The Secretary General of PFM also directly inspected several houses that will be provided with the assistance of RS Rutilahu. In addition, he also saw the various activities and businesses carried out in the area which he conveyed could be a potential that could be further developed.

Present on the occasion were the Head of the Social Office, Community Empowerment and Villages of West Bangka Regency, Suradi, Representatives of the PFM Directorate Region I, Representatives of the Social Office of the Bangka Belitung Islands Province, Korda of West Bangka Regency, and social facilitators.