JAKARTA (October 30, 2019) - The Ministry of Social Affairs Directorate General for Poverty Handling (PFM) is collaborating with the Ministry of Agriculture and six other Ministries / Agencies in a Synergy Cooperation Agreement to Support the Food Vulnerable Areas Program.

Director General of Poverty Handling, Mr. Andi ZA Dulung was also present at the signing of the cooperation agreement which was held at a hotel in Jakarta (30/10). In addition to the Directorate General of Poverty Handling, this cooperation agreement also synergizes with other Ministries / Institutions, including the Directorate General of Public Health, Ministry of Health, Directorate General of Development and Empowerment of Village Communities, Ministry of Villages, Disadvantaged Areas and Transmigration, Directorate General of Specific Area Development Ministry of Villages, Disadvantaged Regions Development, and Transmigration, Directorate General of Human Settlements, Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing, Directorate General of Regional Development of the Ministry of Home Affairs, and Head of the National Defense Laboratory Center for National Resilience Institutions. The Minister of Agriculture, Mr. Syahrul Yasin Limpo, witnessed the signing of the cooperation agreement.

This cooperation agreement will be used as a guideline in joint efforts to establish synergistic cooperation in alleviating food insecure areas. The aim of alleviating food insecure areas will also be directed at increasing program synergies in food insecure and stunting areas, increasing data and information exchange related to food insecurity and stunting, convergence of prevention and reduction of stunting, and implementing programs in areas prone to food insecurity and stunting. in an integrated manner.

The Director General of Poverty Handling, Mr. Andi ZA Dulung strongly encourages and supports this cooperation agreement. According to him, this will also help in the program for handling the poor. "The hope is for this cooperation so that all regions will not be included as food insecure regions anymore. For that, we really support this program, "explained the Director General of Poverty Handling.