BALI (15 November 2019) - The Minister of Social Affairs (Mensos) of the Republic of Indonesia, Juliari P. Batubara gave direction to the activity "Evaluation of the Implementation of Social Assistance (Bansos) Directorate for the Poverty Handling (PFM) Region II". "The vision of a Onward Indonesia conveyed by the president means that Indonesia must become a developed country that has high income by 2045,” explained the Minister of Social Affairs in his direction, at a hotel in Bali (15/11/2019).

Furthermore, the Minister of Social Affairs said that all forms of activities carried out by the government today will certainly have an effect in the future, especially for the 100-year vision of Indonesia in 2045. "26 years will not be long, but the time we will do today will affect the next 26 years. If the start is wrong, as if the foundation is wrong, the building will easily collapse, as well as the state, it will be shaky, "said the Minister of Social Affairs.

In connection with this vision, the Minister of Social Affairs said that he was given a mandate by the president to be able to reduce poverty in the future. “The President has assigned me to reduce poverty from day to day. This is not an easy task, especially when the world economy is experiencing a slowdown. We can fall back on unwanted things, we don't let our guard down, ”the Minister of Social Affairs ordered.

Prior to the direction from the Minister of Social Affairs, the Director General of Poverty Handling  (Dirjen PFM) Andi ZA Dulung gave a report on the Evaluation of the Implementation of Social Assistance Implementation for the PFM Directorate for Region II. The Director General of PFM said that the purpose of this activity was to obtain information about the problem of social assistance distribution, to obtain implementation solutions in the distribution of social assistance, and to accelerate the implementation of social assistance for the Directorate of PFM Region II Year 2019.

In his report, the Director General of PFM also conveyed that on the previous day, the activity had been filled with several sources and had discussed with the participants regarding the implementation of Social Assistance to ensure that the implementation of social assistance can be carried out even better in 2020. "It is necessary to report, yesterday the resource person and all participants present to discuss the implementation of social assistance from PFM and later it will be poured into an agreement for implementation in 2020, "said the Director General of PFM.

In addition, the Director General of PFM said that there were 400 participants who attended the event, consisting of 60 participants and the central committee, based on Bappenas, Kemenko PMK, TNP2K, Ministry of Home Affairs, Media, Bureau of Finance, Pusdatin, Himbara, and Perum. BULOG. For Regional Participants totaling 340 people, consisting of the Head of the Provincial Social Service and the Head of the Division for the Poor from 12 Provinces in Region II, the Head of the Regency / City Social Service and the Head of the Division in charge of the poor from 151 Regencies / Cities in Region II, as well as Provincial Coordinators for District Social Welfare Workers in 12 Provinces.