MANADO (1 October 2021) –
While evaluating and monitoring social assistance in Manado, the Minister of
Social Affairs, Tri Rismaharini said that new KPM proposals from regions could
still be accommodated.
"This is evaluation and monitoring for
distribution, so many people have not been realized because there were
additions after I matched the data, the new proposals can be accommodated from
the regions," said the Minister of Social Affairs when met at the Center
for Social Rehabilitation for Persons with Visual Sensory Disabilities
(BRSPDSN) Tumou Tou, Manado City, North Sulawesi (01/10).
She also found that many Beneficiary Families
(KPM) have not received their rights because they have not received the
Prosperous Family Card (KKS) so they cannot make transactions. Knowing this,
the Minister of Social Affairs requested that two weeks after the evaluation
and monitoring activities, KKS could be distributed entirely to KPM.
"Many of the new proposals have not
received the Prosperous Family Card, so we ask that two weeks after this, the
Prosperous Family Card must be distributed to the beneficiaries," said the
Minister of Social Affairs.
To be able to do this, the Minister of Social
Affairs conveyed that there must be cooperation between the regional government
and the Himbara bank so that KKS can be quickly distributed entirely to KPM.
"There must be cooperation between the
Regional Government and Banks so that distribution can be achieved
quickly," said the Minister of Social Affairs.