ROKAN HILIR (4 November 2021) - The Ministry of Social Affairs through Social Rehabilitation Center “Abiseka” Pekanbaru distributed Social Rehabilitation Assistance (ATENSI) and Psychosocial Support to 219 beneficiaries in Rokan Hilir Regency, Riau Province who have been through verification, validation, and assessment by social workers and companion of social rehabilitation.


The ATENSI support provided was in the form of 219 nutrition packages, 219 family kits, 7 3-in-1 wheelchairs, 5 standard wheelchairs, 3 crutches, 1 three-leg sticks, 1 four-leg stick, and 8 health mattresses with the total amount of assistance reaching Rp321,216,000,00.


The delivery of this assistance is a follow-up to the results of an assessment of the data proposed by the Social Office of Rokan Hilir Regency. The distribution of aid was carried out at several points including the Regent's Office House, the Rokan Hilir District Social Office, the Baru Hampar District Office, and the Sinaboi District Office.


"Our arrival here is in line with the program from the Ministry of Social Affairs with the slogan of the Ministry of Social Affairs Present, truly present in the community, present to provide benefits and the impact can be felt by the community," said Head of Pekanbaru Abiseka Center, Ahmad Subarkah.


A total of 219 recipients of the assistance were spread across 4 sub-districts. First, in Bangko sub-district, there were 154 people in the Social Office, 34 people in Sinaboi, 29 in Batu Hampar, and 2 in Tanah Putih.


The Regent of Rokan Hilir, Afrizal Sintong, warmly welcomed the arrival and assistance from Abiseka Center, “We certainly express our deepest gratitude to the Ministry of Social Affairs through Abiseka Center. This is amazing and I hope there will be more activities like this in the future. We also welcome you to Rokan Hilir, in Bagansiapiapi. The wheelchair is good and this is hopefully useful for our parents here," he said.


Head of the Pekanbaru Abiseka Center, Ahmad Subarkah, on this occasion also conveyed that in addition to assisting in fulfilling decent living support for daily needs, assistance with accessibility aids, and psychosocial support, the Pekanbaru Abiseka Center also distributed assistance to Orphans Victims of Covid-19, from of the 8 people proposed, 6 people have opened an account and the assistance has been transferred into the account. While 2 other people are being processed for the account book.


"Hopefully for next year, we can re-propose the Orphans Victims of Covid-19. In addition, in the future, we hope that there will be an MoU between the Regent and our Social Rehabilitation Center for future services. There needs to be an integrative service, where the service involves several UPTs in Rokan Hilir.

However, if the 26 PPKS (Social Welfare Service Recipients) problems are only handled by the Social Office, it is very difficult,” explained Ahmad Subarkah.

The parents of Syafia Sakhila (7) with disabilities who received assistance for a 3 in 1 wheelchair and nutrition package, with the emotion conveyed their feelings of pleasure and joy to receive assistance from Abiseka Center, “I was touched that everything was mixed. Previously, we had received assistance but had never received assistance in a wheelchair, this is the first time we have received a wheelchair. Thank you to the Ministry of Social Affairs for helping us," he said.

This was conveyed by Mr. Saji (66), an elderly recipient of wheelchair assistance. "I get a wheelchair with my daily needs. Thank God I'm happy to get a wheelchair. It's been like this for 10 years (losing his left leg)," with teary-eyed Mr. Saji told his feelings.

The distribution of ATENSI and Psychosocial Support was attended directly by the Regent, Deputy Regent, Regional Secretary, Chair of the DPRD, and Head of the Rokan Hilir Regency Social Office.