2, 2022) – The Ministry of
Social Affairs through the Darussa'adah Center in Aceh Besar carries out
reunification activities. Mansur (72 years old) abandoned elderly meets his
biological son who has been separated for 22 years. The father and son were
separated because of the conflict that hit Aceh in 2000.
“I was separated
from my wife and children in Woyla, West Aceh when the conflict-hit, my wife,
children, and family, I evacuated to Java. But fate had other plans, I had to
survive and continue living in Aceh, contact with my family was also broken,”
he said.
Mansur met his son
after his neighbor uploaded a photo of him who was sick and tried to be
connected via social media and Facebook. After receiving reports from the Aceh Jaya
Social Office and Aceh Social Office that Mansur had family in Malang, East
Java, the Darussa'adah Center in Aceh Besar immediately responded to carry out
a reunification plan. It also involves Soeharso Integrated Center for returning
home to Malang, East Java.
The head of the
Darussa'adah Center in Aceh Besar, Susi Mulyati, immediately coordinated with
the Integrated Center Soeharso Surakarta regarding the returning home of Mansur's
grandfather, we will facilitate the cost of his return. “We will reunify
Mansur's grandfather with his family in Malang, we have obtained family contact
through his son,” he said.
Before his
return to reunification, Mansur received social rehabilitation services at the
Darussa'adaah Center in Aceh Besar. This was done to determine psychosocial
conditions and readiness for departure for reunification to Malang on Sunday,
May 5, 2022.
Rehabilitation Assistance (ATENSI) has also been distributed to meet the basic
needs of clothing and food. The assistance provided was in the form of milk,
honey, biscuits, clothes, gloves, and worship equipment.