BANDUNG (January 18, 2020) - As many as 32 former beneficiary (PM) who held an action to set up tents on the sidewalk, finally reached an agreement with the Social Rehabilitation Center for Persons with Visual Sensory Disabilities (BRSPDSN) "Wyata Guna" Bandung. The agreement was reached after going through long negotiations.

The beneficiaries are willing to leave the tents in front of the hall and are willing to remove the various banners they spread after going through negotiations with mediators.

From this meeting, it is hoped that they will approve the initial proposals which the Ministry of Social Affairs accommodates. Namely receiving Advanced Social Rehabilitation services at BRSPDSN "Wyata Guna" Bandung according to the type and standard of service valid until the completion of their college period.

The text of the agreement had been prepared to be signed that night. The meeting was preceded by conveying student aspirations. For about 90 minutes, the representative of Ministry of Social Affairs patiently listened to all the grunts of the former beneficiaries. Most of the students even voiced the repeal of the Social Minister's Regulation (Permensos) No. 18 of 2018.

Regarding the beneficiary request to revoke Permensos No. 18 of 2018, Idit Supriadi, Secretary of the Director General of Social Rehabilitation expressed his surprise. Because so far, the demands of beneficiaries were to be able to return to the dormitory, and receive all services until the completion of their study period, had all been accommodated.

Revocation of the permensos as an aspiration is fine. Regulations can be changed. However, the revocation of the regulation has procedures and rules. "It cannot just be revoked, because it has also entered the state sheet, said Idit.

Previously, the Ministry of Social Affairs offered two options for beneficiary who have finished their retention period. Namely, beneficiary can enter the dormitories and receive services until they graduate. Second, they can also occupy a dormitory at the Rehabilitation Center of People with Disabilities owned by the West Java Provincial Government, in Cimahi.

The meeting ended at 04.50, resulting in four points of agreement. First, students get Advanced Social Rehabilitation Services at BRSPDSN "Wyata Guna" Bandung according to the type and standard of service that is valid until they finish higher education.

Second, plans to meet with the Minister of Social Affairs. Third, discuss further regarding the revocation of the Permensos No. 18 of 2018. Fourth, the Ministry of Social Affairs continues to work together and encourage the Provincial Government to provide Basic Social Rehabilitation (Panti) services for People with Visual Sensory Disabilities.


Public Relations Bureau

Ministry of Social Affairs