JAKARTA (January 26, 2021) - The administrative selection for the National Commission for Disability (KND) Candidates has been opened since 20 January 2021. As of today (26/1) the number of registrants has reached 815 participants and 3,692 visitors have opened the selection site knd.kemensos.go.id on (25/1).

This was conveyed at the KND Selection Committee (Pansel) meeting which was held via video conference, Tuesday (26/1).

"The Secretariat Team of the KND Selection Committee can start data entry in the administrative selection stage," said the Chair of the Selection Committee for KND Commissioners, Harry Hikmat who is also the Director General of Social Rehabilitation of the Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs.

The KND selection committee in charge is Harkristuti Harkrisnowo who is known as an academician, Angkie Yudistia is from a professional and a person with a hearing impairment, Sinta Nuriyah Wahid as a community leader and a person with a physical disability, and Siswadi a practitioner and a person with a physical disability.

Harkristuti Harkrisnowo supports assessment with a scoring system, considering that there are so many applicants, a detailed assessment is needed and makes it easier to select.

The same thing was conveyed by Angkie Yudistia that the scoring system would be more detailed so it would be better.

The selection of prospective KND Commissioners for the period 2021-2026 invites the best Indonesian sons and daughters from among people with disabilities and non-disabled people, both from practitioners, academics, professionals, and the community.

Registration will close on February 3, 2021 at 00.00 WIB. From a number of registrants, those who pass the administrative selection will take part in a quality selection consisting of an objective test and the preparation of a paper. It is planned that this test will be conducted online using the Computer Assisted Test (CAT) system.

KND as an independent non-structural institution was formed based on Law Number 8 of 2016 concerning Persons with Disabilities and Presidential Regulation Number 68 of 2020 concerning the KND.

KND was formed in the context of respecting, protecting and fulfilling the rights of persons with disabilities. KND has the task of carrying out monitoring, evaluation, advocacy for the implementation of Respect, Protection and Fulfillment of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. KND is a form of national implementation and monitoring of the Convention of The Right of Persons With Disabilities (CRPD).

Based on article 7 and article 13 of Presidential Regulation Number 68 of 2020 concerning the KND, 7 members of the KND Commissioner will be selected, consisting of 4 members representing various disabilities and 3 members from non-disability.

"Members of the National Commission for Disabilities must present the diversity of disabilities and must pay attention to the representation of women. Decision making in supporting the implementation of the tasks of the National Commission for Disabilities is carried out in a collegial collective manner," explained Harry.

This meeting was attended by all members of the KND Selection Committee, the Director of Social Rehabilitation for Persons with Disabilities and their ranks, the Ministry of Social Affairs' Legal Bureau team and the Ministry of Social Affairs' Organization and Personnel Bureau team.